Royally Chosen Christmas (Royal Sons MC #7) - Elle Boon Page 0,21

him at the reason she was camping out in the hall by his room. Gary was lucky he was on his way to somewhere far away from him.

She nodded.

“I was on my way to see mom. Why don’t you come with me?” He wouldn’t be breaking the news to his mother with Talena right there but leaving her looking like a lost little lamb wasn’t an option. An image of the girl in the white gown popped into his mind. He squeezed his eyes shut, banishing the memory.

They walked side-by-side down the wide hallway toward the suite, his mind churning. He’d scooped her blanket and pillow up, tucking the pastel fabric under one arm with the other draped over her shoulder. No way was he going to allow her to sleep on the damn floor. Their mother answered the door after one brisk knock, looking as if she hadn’t even sat down yet, let alone taken off her makeup.

“Hey, you two. What’re you doing up?”

Talena shrugged but didn’t say a word. He didn’t blame her knowing she was probably too scared.

“I found this one outside my room. I think she was looking at the stars,” he said.

“Ah, and what sort of celestial sightings did you see?” She held her door open wider, motioning them in.

Scott urged Talena in first, going in after her. “I need to speak with you without little ears,” he whispered. His mother nodded.

Shortly after they entered, Talena was curled up on her mother’s bed, sleeping. Scott moved toward the door, motioning for his mother to follow him. Out in the hall, he explained about Gary, holding nothing back. As tears formed in his mom’s eyes, he wanted to kill the man with his bare hands right then and there for having to be the one to break the devastating news to her. “I’m sorry,” he said. Never had he felt so damn useless than he did staring down at the woman who gave him life.

She dabbed at her eyes with a tissue she pulled out of one of her pockets. “This isn’t your fault.” Taking a deep breath, she shoved the crumpled tissue back into her robe. “I always thought there was something odd about the way he was with Angela. But then, he and I didn’ know. I just brushed it off as his way of being fatherly. He was very affectionate with me and Talena, but not overly so. I mean. God, I was so stupid.”

“No, you’re not. Dad trusted him. We all did. Things are going to be fine. They’ll be a mess for a time, but shit will even out. I can’t tell you what to do, but—” he didn’t finish saying what he wanted to say. She needed to divorce him and keep him far away from his sister. He would do what he could to make sure the bastard wouldn’t step foot anywhere near either of the women he loved.

“I’ll contact your dad’s lawyer, or rather my lawyer, and start the process of removing him from our lives. I don’t want him anywhere around me or Talena. God, she can’t know any of this.” She looked backward, her fist over her mouth.

“Angela warned her to stay away from him. I think she was trying to protect Talena from the same thing happening to her. Their relationship was fucked up, even though she thought...well, I can’t say what she thought other than what was in the letter she sent me. If you want it or need it for the divorce, I’ll let you have it. It’s not pretty though,” he warned her.

“Thank you, Scott. I’ll let my lawyers know in case we need it. I’m sure if Gary knows you have it, he won’t contest the dissolution. He’s smart, probably too smart. You said he left with a duffle bag, right? I’m sure he had a contingency plan. If I had my guess, he’s probably been syphoning money from us for the last sixteen years, just in case.” Her shoulders went back, the strong will he recognized filling her with purpose.

“You’re probably right,” he agreed.

Later that night, lying in bed, running scenarios through in his head, had him in knots. He had no clue what the future held, but no matter what, he’d be there for his mom and sister, always.

Chapter Three


“Dammit, Talena, you can’t be driving like you’re on a racetrack. You’re going to give me a damn heart attack,” he growled.

Talena patted her brother’s chest, her own Copyright 2016 - 2024