Royally Chosen Christmas (Royal Sons MC #7) - Elle Boon Page 0,19

nights out of the week, eating dinner with them while they talked business around the table made sure he was a fixture. He’d been Uncle Gary, the nice guy who played ball with him and his dad.

It was after he married his mom that all changed. He changed, becoming aloof and disinterested, almost cruel to Scott.

The one thing Gary took pride in was the multi-billion-dollar corporation Silas Haven, his grandfather had started, Gary acting almost as if he was a Haven or wishing he was. His own father had loved and continued to build the huge conglomerate it had become, but it had grown even more after Gary had taken over due to the advancement that had been set in motion prior to his dad’s death. Scott and the board of trustees kept quiet and let him control things because he’d never faltered when it came to Haven Corp. He had to wonder how much the man had pocketed from the company to keep his other women happy and silent.

How the fuck had he not realized his mom and Gary hadn’t been a real couple? “Because you didn’t want to think of your mom and him that way,” he muttered out loud. There hadn’t been any casual kisses or lingering looks like he’d seen other parents make. Shit, it was all there if he’d only been more aware.

A quick scroll through a folder on his phone gave him a list of the board of trustees. He’d requested the names from his lawyer earlier, before he’d sat down to eat with his family, knowing he had to move quickly. He scanned the names, double checking there wasn’t anyone new who hadn’t been there previously. Sure, even ones who had been there could be bought, but if they’d been around long enough, then they should be loyal to the company, not Gary, he hoped. He pulled out his cellphone, using the secure VPN, and entered the passcode into his laptop to tether the internet through the backdoor to the company. His lawyers’ email came through, showing they’d already began the process of removing Gary from the business. “I’ll ensure you get a nice severance package of course,” Hollywood gritted out. Even though it was the last thing he wanted to do, his lawyers’ had told him it was for the best. Since the fucker wasn’t an owner, nor was he a shareholder, a huge mistake on ole Gary’s part, he didn’t have a leg to stand on.

The video feed came up on the computer of the main offices. He clicked through the different screens, unsure of what he was looking for, until the image popped up.

“Whatcha doing there, Gary?” he muttered, pulling up the camera feed in the main office. He hadn’t thought he’d be grateful to his security team when they’d insisted on the installation of the extra equipment a few years back. Shit, he hadn’t wanted to have another thing to monitor but they’d assured him it was necessary. They’d be getting a damn raise.

The sneaky bastard slipping into the office with a duffel bag clearly had a backup plan. Scott wondered how Gary had cut the power to the building without the generators kicking in, a breach in the system he’d make damn sure didn’t occur again. His supplemental security feeds didn’t run off the same grid, so he was able to watch Gary walk in with an empty looking bag and leave with what appeared to be a full one. He had planned for this it appeared, or he was stuffing the bag with something he shouldn’t be.

Scott didn’t waste any more time wondering what the fuck Gary was or wasn’t doing before hitting the button to call the security guard at the gate. Although the power was off, the guard shack had power. When he didn’t answer right away, internal warning bells off inside Scott.

“Haven Corp,” the man finally barked.

“This is Scott Haven. Lock the gates and don’t let anyone out, not even Gary Dupont.”

“I’m sorry, but Mr. Dupont is the boss here. Who did you say you were?” he asked.

Scott cursed for allowing shit to go without ensuring he was the face of Haven, but it was something he didn’t see changing. “I’m the owner of Haven Corp, boy. If you allow anyone, and I mean anyone in or out, you’re fired.”

“Hello, Mr. Dupont. There’s a man who says he’s the owner on the phone.”

Scott grit his teeth as he listened to Gary’s cultured voice telling Copyright 2016 - 2024