Roman - Lane Hart Page 0,50

awe while I try to figure out how the hell I was lucky enough to fuck the most beautiful woman in the world.”

“Oh, Roman…” Charlotte starts before I thrust all the way inside of her, causing her eyes to widen in surprise. The shock leads to her repeating those same two words, but now with exclamation points on the ends. I give her a little time to adjust to my length and girth before I slowly start to rock my hips. Soon enough, Charlotte is lifting her own to meet each of my thrusts. Her face quickly transforms and is even more gorgeous than usual when her eyelids get heavy and her lips part with the blissful satisfaction I was expecting.

“You like that?” I ask her, and she gives a slight nod. Her hands are gripping my shoulders; and when I start to move faster, her fingernails dig into my skin to hold on. I like the sting, but what I like even more is when Charlotte wraps her legs around my waist to pull me in tighter. Then she lays back on the table, putting her tits on display as they bounce and jiggle with every single motion of my pumping hips. I can’t resist the sight of them, and my hands move from her hips up to grab both of her breasts, kneading them as I hammer myself into her.

Charlotte alternates between moans of pleasure and sharp gasps for breath as she begins using her legs behind my back to slam herself back towards me, the two of us quickly finding a rhythm that has us rocketing towards climax. I realize belatedly that this wasn’t how I envisioned my first time with Charlotte, and that we’re not making love but brutally fucking. I almost want to slow down and caress her, rub her down and lick every part of her body. One look into her eyes tells me that is the wrong idea. She’s biting her lip and scratching me hard enough to draw blood while bucking her hips wildly against my pelvis. I don’t have any choice except to finish what we’ve started, and I’m not sure I could have changed course even if I had truly wanted to.

“Don’t stop!” Charlotte cries, making me realize I must have slowed my strokes slightly. I redouble my efforts, panting and groaning as I give her every inch of my cock, so swollen and hard that it feels like the condom must surely explode at any moment. I realize what the crushing pressure means as soon as Charlotte throws her head back and arches her back, her stomach clenching and thighs trembling as her orgasm rips through her. “Right there!” she practically howls. “Roman, right there! YES!”

Her voice and the feeling of her pussy clamping down onto me send me over the edge with her. An orgasm so powerful that it roars through me as I frantically pump my lust into this beautiful woman. Our gasps and cries mingle into one voice, until her legs finally begin to relax and I’m able to stagger a step back from her.

“Oh fuck, Charlotte…fuck!” I mumble, unable to form any coherent sentence to express how incredible she was.

“Wow.” She grins at me from the table, her heels now braced on the edge as she pushes herself up to her elbows. “Holy shit, Roman, that was…it’s been so long I…”

“Hey, you don’t have to say anything.” I smile as I step back towards her and pull her into a sitting position. “You’re fucking incredible. I mean, I already knew we were good together, but I had no idea it would be like…that.”

I’m standing between Charlotte’s spread legs, and I feel her hands fidgeting between us. Looking down, I can see that she’s twisting the wedding ring still on her left ring finger; and when she looks up to meet my gaze, her eyes are glassy with unshed tears.

“Oh shit, Charlotte! I’m sorry. Was I too rough or…” I begin to apologize.

“No, god no, Roman, you were…that was amazing,” she says with a tremble in her voice. “Like I said, it’s been so long…since Adam, you know, and…”

“I can’t imagine what you must be feeling,” I console her as I wrap my arms around her and pull her to my chest. “Hey, you can talk to me about anything,” I try to prompt her as she buries her face against me.

“I should feel ashamed or something,” she mumbles into me. “But I don’t. That was Copyright 2016 - 2024