Roman - Lane Hart Page 0,49

she asks.

I place a wet kiss on her inner thigh and shake my head. “Try again.”

“I’m…sorry?” she tries, framing it as a question instead of the statement I want.

“Again,” I demand as I place another kiss on the inside of her thigh.

“I’m-I’m sorry.”

For finally getting it right, I reward her with a flick of my tongue over her clit that’s lightning fast but definitely effective since her hips jerk and I hear her gasp.

I glance up at her face, my own an inch away from her pussy, and wait.

“I’m sorry,” she repeats. She sounds sincere, so I run my tongue up and down her slit a few times as a reward. The action has her adding a new word, “so”, to what soon becomes an “I’m so sorry” chant. Throughout it all, I don’t pull my mouth away even for a second.

Pressing my fist that is still holding her dress up to her stomach, I tease her with the index finger of my other hand while focusing just the tip of my tongue to her clit, hitting that swollen bundle of nerves over and over and over again.

“Oh god!” Charlotte screams. “Oh god, I’m sorry! So…so…sorry!”

I pull my mouth away to tell her, “Roman. I’m so sorry, Roman,” before I get back to work.

“God, Roman! Yes! Oh my god, Roman! Yes! Yes! Please, yes! Roman!” Charlotte trembles so intensely that I ready myself to catch her before she falls. But the wall and my fist against her stomach holds her up even as she slides up and down the wall as she comes, screaming my name over and over again.

Once she stills, I kiss my way up her pelvis to her stomach before lowering her dress and getting to my feet.

I’m not sure what I expected Charlotte to say after I finally got my mouth on her pussy, but her saying, “Fuck me,” while undoing my belt wasn’t it.

“Fuck you?” I repeat as she pops the button on my jeans and tugs the zipper down.

“Fuck me, Roman,” Charlotte holds my gaze and says the words while she pushes my jeans down. Then she turns around and faces the wall with one palm flat against it as she lifts her dress up to her waist with the other hand. I stare at her naked ass that’s ready and waiting for me after weeks, but this is all wrong.

“Nope,” I say as I remove my shoes to get my pants off and then start on my cut.

“No?” Charlotte asks me over her shoulder. “You don’t want to…” she starts to lower her dress when I yank my shirt over my head and toss it aside. “Why are you naked if you don’t want to…”

“Oh, I want to,” I assure her.

“Then what…” Before she speaks another word, my mouth is crashing down on hers, tongue demanding entry while the rest of my body flattens her to the wall.

After she starts melting down the wall in surrender, I pull back and tell her, “I want to see your face when I’m inside of you the first time.” Grabbing the hem of her dress, I tug it up and off. “I want to see all of you — the surprise in your beautiful eyes the moment you realize just how big and thick I am, the satisfaction when you really start to appreciate how big and thick I am. I want to see the disappointment spread over your face when you decide that you were crazy to wait so long to have me inside of you, and then, finally, I want to witness the joy in your eyes knowing that it won’t be the last.”

“That’s…that’s a whole lot of…emotions on my face,” Charlotte replies as she runs her palms over my shoulders and down to my pecs.

Grabbing her bottom, I lift her off her feet, making her squeal before I sit her ass on the table to go grab a condom from my pants.

“I should warn you that there’s only one thing you’ll see on my face the entire time I’m fucking you. Want to know what that is?” I ask her before ripping the foil wrapper open with my teeth.

“S-sure?” she asks hesitantly, eyes watching my hands intently as they roll the rubber onto my shaft.

I wedge my hips between Charlotte’s thighs and line the head of my cock up at her entrance that’s nice and slick. Rubbing myself back and forth on her slit, I tell her, “You won’t see anything but sheer Copyright 2016 - 2024