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incredible, and I already want to do it again.”

“So do I,” I say as I kiss the top of her head. “We can do that as many times as you want, baby, just say the word.”

“I need to go for now, though,” she adds. “I’m going to go back to your place and try to get my head on straight. God, I’m embarrassed. I’ve never cried after sex before.”

“Hey, you don’t have to run away or be embarrassed,” I reassure her. “I understand being conflicted, though, and I’ll give you some space. I’ll be home this evening, and from there, we can do whatever you want; take this as slow as you want, okay?”

“Thanks, Roman,” she says as she turns her face up to mine, pulling me closer for another kiss. It only takes a moment for our tongues to find each other again; and since I’m still wedged between her spread legs, my wilting cock begins bobbing back to life.

Charlotte breaks our kiss with a giggle as she feels me pressing into her again. “Later, big guy,” she whispers as she pushes me back and then hops down from the table. “Let me go sort myself out, and we’ll talk tonight,” she adds.

“Are you talking to me or him?” I joke as she picks up her dress.

“You’ll find out later,” she winks.

As it turned out, she was talking to him.

When I got home that night, Charlotte greeted me in the kitchen, wearing nothing but one of my old t-shirts. When I walked in, she was reaching up to grab some plates out of the cabinet; and from the view I first received, it was very obvious that she wasn’t wearing anything else.

“Hey Roman!” she greets me. “Did you have a good day?”

“It’s been getting better as it goes along,” I confirm. “What’s going on in here? You cook something up for us?” I ask as I try to identify the smell coming from the dining room.

“Hardly!” she scoffs. “I ordered some pasta and had it delivered. I also picked up a pack of Oreos and Twix as an extended apology. So, are you hungry, or do you want to fuck first?”

“I’m sorry?” I choke out as Charlotte approaches me with a grin, grabbing the hem of the t-shirt she’s wearing and pulling it over her head.

“It was a trick question,” she adds as she presses her body against me. “We’re going to fuck first and work up an appetite.”

“I don’t know, I already worked up a pretty good appetite earlier,” I jokingly protest as she leads me into the living room. Laughing, she sinks down onto the couch and begins undoing my pants as I shrug out of my cut and lay it gently on the coffee table. A few seconds later, I have her pinned down, arms over her head and flat on her back, our mouths devouring each other as our bodies quickly find the rhythm they had danced to earlier in the chapel.

Chapter Eighteen


The next day, when I go to visit Tessa, she’s not outside or in the sunroom. Finally, the staff lets me go to her room to look for her. I let out a sigh of relief when I find her there, lounging on her made bed, reading a romance novel with an almost smile on her face.

I rap my knuckles on the open door. “Hi!”

“Oh, hey!” Tessa says when she glances up and sees me. “Come in!”

“I was worried when I couldn’t find you. I was afraid you didn’t feel like getting out of bed this morning…”

“No, I’m good,” she says, placing a bookmark in her paperback and laying it down beside her on the mattress to get up and hug me. “I just got into the story and couldn’t put my book down. Reading something light and fun is a great form of escape, and one my psychiatrist actually approves of at the moment, unlike television and social media. It’s nice to see someone get a happily ever after.”

“That’s great,” I tell her. Noticing a large display of colorful flowers on top of her dresser, I say, “Those are beautiful.”

“They are, aren’t they?” Tessa agrees. Going over, she rubs a purple petal between her finger and thumb. “Verek sent them this morning.”

“That was…nice of him,” I remark, glad that Roman isn’t the only Savage King with a sweet side.

“He knew I would need some cheering up after yesterday.”

“Right,” I agree. “And while I hate you had to go through that, I hope Copyright 2016 - 2024