Rocked (The Everyday Heroes World) - Julia Wolf Page 0,87

damn smooth, her breasts small and perfect. She tasted clean, fresh, like Kat. Delicious, the best thing I’d ever had in my mouth. She was the best thing I’d had in my arms.

Her back arched, pressing her breast into my mouth. I sucked her nipple until she mewled and scratched at my shoulders, then I grabbed her hands.

“Nope. We’re not doing rough and wild. You’re mine, and I want to fuck you slow and thorough.”

She struggled against my hold, pressing her pussy down, tempting me to give the control back to her.

“Devon,” she whined.

No, I’d be keeping the control. I liked her saying my name like that way too much to let her have her way...this time.

“Kat,” I slipped my hand under the waistband of her shorts, between her silken folds, “let me make you come. I need it as much as you do.”

She rolled her hips with the rhythm of my hand, which I took as her relenting to me. She felt so damn good under my fingers, it wasn’t enough. I shifted, lowering her onto the couch as I kneeled between her parted legs. Her shorts came down easily, leaving her bare and open for me. I got lost there, my face buried between her legs, licking and sucking her swollen flesh.

Kat fisted my hair, pulling me deeper into her pussy. I dragged my tongue through her wetness, lashing her clit again and again. She groaned, and when my eyes flicked up to her face, she looked like she was in rapture. My stomach tightened at the sight of her that way, desire freely painted all over her, her emotions and feelings plain as day. Today, she was all mine, and my girl was gorgeous.

She came hard, her hips lifting from the couch as she cried my name. Right in the middle of her orgasm, Leroy came ambling out to check what was going on. He didn’t think we were too interesting because he disappeared back into Ellie’s room moments later. Kat laughed as she came all over my face, and I kept licking her until she tugged on my hair to bring me up.

Settling my hips between her thighs, my dick pressed against her entrance, arms bracketing her head, I peered down at her, my heart swelling impossibly big. She raised her head to kiss me, and once I started again, I wasn’t sure I’d ever stop. She took her taste from my tongue and swallowed it down. While we kissed, I eased inside her. For every inch, I pulled back, then slid back in a little farther.

I palmed her breast, then let my hand move down her ribs to her flared hips, then to the smooth length of her leg. I hooked my arm behind her knee, bringing it up to her chest so I could sink even deeper inside her.

Matching moans filled her small living room as my pelvis came to rest against hers. My cock was buried so far in her body, I thought it would never find the way out. I imagined it, living inside Kat forever. Dying this way. I’d have a smile on my face. She was brighter than all the stars in the sky, warmer than the sun could ever dream to be, and far more vital to life.

Kat, my Kat—my girl for a week, then never again. A rush of sadness threatened to take over, so I pushed in deeper still, losing myself in her body. Her arms curled around my shoulders, her bottom lip catching between her teeth as she moved with me.

“Kat.” So much was loaded in her name. Everything in my brain and heart that would be left unsaid until the end of time.

I fucking love you, Kat. Why can’t this life be different, Kat? I don’t want to leave you, Kat. Help me figure out a way for this to work, Kat. Tell me you want more than this, Kat.

Her eyes were like green flames, open and hot, desire burning. She kept them trained on me, and I never looked away, taking my make-believe with her and making it as real as I could.

“I need more,” she panted. “I need to come.”

“I’ve got you. I’ll give you what you need.”

Hooking my arm beneath her other knee, I pushed both her legs as far as they’d go and gritted my teeth as I started to really fuck her. Sliding in as deep as she’d take me, pulling out, then slamming in even harder. She loved it, Copyright 2016 - 2024