Rocked (The Everyday Heroes World) - Julia Wolf Page 0,76

answering, I dug through my bag for clothes. I got dressed quickly, my back to Devon the entire time.


I looked over my shoulder at him. “You should get dressed. We don’t want to miss our plane.”

“Our private plane? Think we’re okay if we’re a couple minutes late.”

I turned, my hands on my hips. “I have to get Ellie from Veego before he goes to work. You know this.”

He nodded. “I do know this. We’re good on time.” He sat up, swinging his feet to the floor. “What I’d really like to know is why you bolted from my bed before I’d even taken the damn condom off. I know we got kind of intense there—”

I held up my hand. “I thought I made it clear from the beginning there would be no falling for each other. No intensity. No hearts and flowers.”

The lines between his brows etched deep. His full mouth turned down into a scowl that seemed so out of place on his face, I had to blink a few times to ensure it was real.

He threw his hands out. “You did make it clear, but sometimes it can’t be stopped. God, Kat, you make me want things I haven’t wanted in forever. Don’t you want more?”

I shook my head and kept on shaking it. “No, no, I don’t, Devon. I’m sorry.”

He huffed and rose from the bed, striding toward me so fast, I barely knew what he intended to do before he did it. His arms circled around me, and I was yanked against his chest, his mouth covering mine. That was all it took for me to lower my guard again. I didn’t have it in me to resist this man. Maybe later, but not now. Now, I kissed him back with the same fervor, clinging to him hard.

He released my mouth, still holding me against his naked body. “Stop being silly. It’s unbecoming.”

I gently slapped his cheek. “Don’t tell me what to do, you devil.”

He chuckled. “I’m the devil now? Then I guess you’re Persephone and I’m going to drag you down to the Underworld with me. Pack a bag. You don’t need a lot of clothes. It gets pretty hot down there.”

I slapped his chest. “Get out of here and shower. You smell.”

He poked his lip out in a pout. “You’re telling me I stink? Fucking rude, Kat.”

I pushed my hips into his, his erection rock hard between us. “No, you smell like me and sex, and if you don’t shower, I’m going to need you inside me again—which I’ll really regret when I can’t walk tomorrow. So, go.”

Devon stepped back from me and pounded his chest, a proud grin having replaced his earlier frown. “You know how to tear a man down, then build him back up.”

That made me laugh. “Go away.”

He waved a hand over his shoulder as he headed to the bathroom. “I’m going, Lady. I’m going.”

By the time we got to the small, private airport, the light drizzle I’d woken up to had transformed into a deluge. Lightning crackled in the sky, and the thunder was so loud, it made me jump a few times.

Our plane was grounded until the weather cleared. The forecast said this storm would pass soon, but with each second that ticked by, I got more and more antsy.

Me: Our flight is delayed. I should still make it back in time, but can your mom take Ells if I don’t?

Veego: Shit, I knew something like this would happen. No, she can’t. She’s at work today since we didn’t have her on the schedule to help out.

Me: It shouldn’t be an issue. I’m sure the weather will clear and I’ll make it back. I’ll text Molly’s mom just in case. Maybe they can take Ellie.

Veego: You do that.

Me: Don’t be nasty. I can’t control the weather.

Veego: Sure. But you didn’t need to go gallivanting off to LA like you don’t have shit going on here.

Me: Are you kidding me right now?

Veego: Nope.

I tossed my phone in my bag, trying not to let Veego’s admonishment get to me. It wasn’t as if he hadn’t taken plenty of trips, sans Ellie, over the years. He and his ex, Casey, had taken several vacations together. I’d never given him any flak. Now, I was gone for a day and a half, and I was guilted? Didn’t he know I already felt guilty enough on my own without him piling on more?

Devon squeezed the back of my neck. “Are you okay?”

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