Rocked (The Everyday Heroes World) - Julia Wolf Page 0,75

I needed him to get me there.

My back bowed with pleasure, my ass pressing down on Devon’s hard length. He groaned with me, breath hot on my neck as I came. Before I even caught my breath, he lifted me in his arms and carried me inside to his bedroom. My flannel and panties were discarded, as were his boxers.

He laid me on the edge of the bed and kneeled to bury his face between my legs. My eyes rolled back and mouth fell open as he licked and sucked my sensitive flesh. There was something desperate about the way he ate me and gripped my thighs, like he was only just holding on. And I thought maybe, just maybe, he could feel the grains of sand in our hourglass dwindling.

I came again and again on Devon’s mouth, until I couldn’t take it anymore. Even then, he tried to keep going, but I yanked his hair hard enough to pull him away.

He moved up my body and hovered over me. I was oversensitive and a little raw from last night, both inside and out, but I still wanted him. Once he covered himself in a condom, he eased into me, more gentle than he’d ever been with me.

For once, I didn’t press him to go faster.

I wanted to draw this out. I knew I’d never be here again, making unhurried love while the sun rose behind the clouds. Not with Devon, in this city, in this bed. That should have made me sad, and it probably would one day soon, but for now, I held onto the man above me and rode the lapping waves with him.

He rocked into me, pressing kiss after kiss on my neck and shoulders. I brought my legs up his sides to take him deeper. He turned his head and kissed the inside of my knee, his lips curving as he smiled against my skin. That little move, probably thoughtless to him, made my heart slam against my chest wall. It was the moment I fell hard for Devon Chambers.

This wasn’t supposed to happen. Not with him.

Tears pricked the back of my eyes. I pushed my face into his chest so I didn’t have to look at him anymore. I’d shut this part of me down so long ago, and wouldn’t you know it, my stupid heart decided to open back up to an unobtainable man.

This was the worst, but damn did it feel so good.

Devon’s pace increased, not punishing, but fast and deep enough to stop me from drowning in my thoughts. My hips rose to meet his, and I sucked on my favorite spot on his chest, his pulse pounding against my lips.

“Lady,” he gritted. “I’m hooked on you. I’ve never...this has never…” He sounded lost and found. Confused and revelatory. None of this made sense, but I was glad I wasn’t the only one whose feelings had snuck up, unwanted but undeniable.

“Devon,” I cooed as he hit a part of me so deep, it made my head fall back on the pillow and my eyes grow wide. He kept hitting it and hitting it until my neck arched and I cried his name to all the stars in Hollywood.

Taking my hips in his hands, he pounded into me, grunting my name, pulling me onto his cock over and over until he tossed his head back and released a pained, guttural groan.

He collapsed beside me, arm slung over my middle. I turned my head toward the wall of windows, finding the sky had exploded in oranges and yellows, partially hidden by thick, gray clouds. It looked like an explosion, maybe a nuclear bomb had gone off.

And oh, wasn’t that apt, since something huge had become dislodged in my chest. Something so big, only a bomb could have budged it. Perhaps the unpinned grenade Veego had called Devon. If I thought I’d felt raw from all that had happened last night, now I felt naked and exposed. Not in a good way, but in a nightmare-about-showing-up-at-school-naked kind of way.

“I’m going to take a shower.” I rolled out of bed, not waiting for Devon to respond. I took my time showering and brushing my teeth. I even dried my hair, which I never did. But I needed that time to get my shit together.

When I finally came out wrapped in a towel, Devon was still on the bed, a sheet draped over his hips. His eyebrows went up, a question in his expression. Instead of Copyright 2016 - 2024