Rocked (The Everyday Heroes World) - Julia Wolf Page 0,74

still dark when I woke, alone, in Devon’s big bed. The clock on his bedside table said it was just before six. The sun should’ve been rising soon. I wondered how long Devon had been awake. We’d only gone to sleep a couple hours ago, after two rounds of rough, sweaty sex. First, against the wall in the entryway, then in the kitchen after eating cut up fruit and listening to music on his record player.

The night had ended well, but I’d still been uneasy when he’d curled around me in bed, kissing my face as I drifted to sleep.

This was starting to feel like more, and that scared me.

Who was I kidding? It had started to feel like more a while ago.

I found myself slipping on one of my flannels and a pair of panties before padding through the tomb of a house in search of Devon. Sleeping in his bed without him didn’t feel right.

I found him sitting under the covered part of his patio, quietly strumming an acoustic guitar. The pool dimpled as fat raindrops hit the surface, and the still-dark sky was crowded with slightly lighter clouds.

His eyes lifted to mine, just as stormy as the sky. “Lady,” he murmured. “C’mere.”

He set the guitar on the table beside him, widening his legs so I could stand between them. I’d only buttoned two buttons on my flannel, so his warm palms easily slid up my sides, and his face nuzzled the bare skin of my stomach. Whiskers scratched as he moved back and forth, humming an unrecognizable melody.

“Don’t think I’ll ever be able to see you in a flannel again without getting hard. Mornings are sexy on you, Kat.” Devon nipped at my belly button, making me laugh and my stomach muscles flutter.

“Ticklish?” he asked.

“A little. But don’t get any ideas.”

He grinned against my skin. “Oh, I have some ideas. Lots of ideas.”

He made me smile, always, but especially now. “Why are you up so early?” I asked, running my fingers through his silky hair. We were flying home, but not until noon. There was no need to rush.

“The rain. I’m not used to it, not here in LA. Woke me up from a dream, and there was no way I was getting back to sleep. Thought I might enjoy it while it lasted.” He tugged on me until I was in his lap, my back against his chest.

“’s pretty here.” A hint of orange peeked out from the horizon, but it was dimmed by clouds. Even still, I could see it not being terrible to watch the sunrise here every once in a while.

I leaned my head back to rest on his shoulder. “Were you playing one of your new songs?”

“Yeah.” His arms banded around me. “I’m not sure when I’ll get to record it, if ever. Keating’s got me booked to work with Horse. Ever heard of him?”

“Vaguely.” My stomach tightened with dread. “When?”

He buried his face in the side of my neck, planting kisses and gentle sucks along my skin. “A few weeks. I don’t even know if I want to do it. Don’t know if it’s the direction I want to take.”

“But Keating thinks it’ll be good for you?”

“Yeah,” he sighed. “Yeah, he thinks it’s what I need.”

Devon’s hands slid up my torso to cup my breasts, slowly massaging them and thrumming my nipples with his thumbs. I made the conscious decision to set aside any feelings I had about Devon leaving soon and concentrate on what he was doing to my body here and now.

Reaching behind me, I curled my arm around his neck and turned my head so I could taste his lips. He kissed me soft, and as slow as the sunrise. We kissed that way for a long while, sipping from each other’s mouths. Devon’s lips were smooth and full, covering mine in encompassing, brain-melting kisses.

Devon skimmed his fingers down my belly and beneath my panties, settling between my thighs. His fingers slid through my folds, spreading wetness around. I trembled in his arms, my eyes opening halfway to peer at him. The look he gave me was heady, full of longing and pain. It hurt me to see him hurt.

I kissed him more, still just as slow, even though he had me writhing against his length as he circled my clit.

“Devon,” I whimpered into his mouth. “Devon, oh god, I’m so close.”

How did he do this to me? He knew my body like his own, touching me how Copyright 2016 - 2024