Rocked (The Everyday Heroes World) - Julia Wolf Page 0,73


“I wish you hadn’t left me with him,” she said.

Her voice breaking the thick silence startled me as much as her words. “Yeah? You seemed to be getting along.”

“I told you I needed you, but you left me with a stranger who was clearly flirting with me. I know we’re not together, but you told me you wanted to be my only one while whatever we are lasts. It didn’t seem that way tonight.”

I exhaled through my nose and flexed my fingers on the wheel. “I don’t want to hold you back, Kat. If you’re ready to move on before I leave town—”

“Oh, fuck you, Devon. You really think I’m moving on with Carter freaking Dawes? That guy was gross. He tried to get me to go to his home gym, as if I had any intention of being alone with him. I guess he figured I was fair game, since you offered me up on a silver platter. Maybe he thought I’d be easy with my fucked-up face, I don’t know. Luckily, I have more pride than that.”

“There’s nothing fucked up about your face, Kat.” My molars ground so hard, I wouldn’t have been surprised if they cracked. “And I didn’t offer you up. I’m sorry I made you feel that way. You seemed to be having fun.”

I turned into my driveway and eased into the garage, shutting off the car and turning to Kat. Her body was still twisted away from me, her eyes glued to the window.

“Kat, I’m sorry. You gave the man your phone number. I’m not a fucking mind reader. I can’t know you’re uncomfortable in a situation unless you tell me.”

She fumbled around in her clutch, took out her phone, typed in the password, then threw it onto my lap.

“Read the text he sent me,” she said.

With reluctance, I picked it up and scrolled through her texts. On top was one from Ellie, followed by a group chat between Kat, Ellie, and Veego, then just Veego. Nothing from Dawes.

“Did you delete it?” I asked.

Groaning, she snatched the phone from me and climbed out of the car. I was out a second later, long strides eating up what little space she’d put between us. Catching her around the waist, I spun her to face me, cupping her jaw in my hand.

“Tell me,” I said.

Her pretty eyes narrowed. “I gave him a fake number, you idiot.” She shoved my chest. “I wouldn’t have been in that position if you had acted like you cared. And maybe spoke up, letting him know what a dick he was for hitting on me right in front of you. Now, let go of me so I can take this ridiculous dress off and forget tonight ever happened.”

“Kat…” My forehead fell to her shoulder, and my arms tightened. “I’m sorry, Lady. I’m so sorry for fucking up. I got jealous and petty and stupid. This thing between us...I don’t know how possessive I’m allowed to be with you, but I wanted to murder that guy the second he laid a hand on you. If I see him again, I just might.”

She remained silent, letting me hold her while I kissed her neck and shoulder. “You’re so beautiful, Kat. And tonight, god…tonight, you were so damn radiant. I’ve dimmed it, and I hate myself for it. I kind of hate myself period, but especially for dragging you down in my mire.”

Her hand snaked around the back of my neck, fingers playing with my overgrown hair. “I’m your friend if nothing else. Friends don’t leave their friends with a skeevy actor.”

My chest vibrated with an animalistic sound. “We’re more than friends.”

Her eyes pleaded with mine. “Why’d you leave me then?”

“Because I have a tendency to make terrible decisions. I really am sorry. Don’t let my idiotic choice color this entire trip. Please. Wipe the party away, but not the whole night.”

She sighed, leaning into me. “I don’t want you to hate yourself. I sort of like you, you know?”


She nodded. “Still. So be a good friend and don’t make my decisions for me. If I tell you I want to be with you, believe it.”

“I’ll try. Forgive me?”

“I’ll try.”

Dipping my head, I hesitated, my lips brushing hers. She hummed, then tilted her head, whispering my name before I captured her mouth with mine and carried her inside. I’d messed up bad, felt like shit about it, but at least I could end this night by putting a smile on her face again.



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