Rocked (The Everyday Heroes World) - Julia Wolf Page 0,77

into the comfort of his touch as I stared out the window in the waiting lounge. “Worried. Veego’s being annoying. I just want to get home.”

He pressed his lips to my temple. “I know. I’m sorry.”

My eyes flicked up to his, the barest hint of a smile curving my lips. “Did you make this storm?”

He dipped his head, smiling back at me. “No. Not that I don’t want to keep you trapped here with me, just the two of us, but no. I know you have to get back to Ells and Leroy.”

I tried so damn hard to remain positive, but as the minutes ticked by, worry clawed at me. By the time we climbed on the plane, we were running two hours behind. There was no way I’d get home in time.

I’d been updating Veego, and his replies had gotten more and more terse the later it got.

Me: Molly’s parents aren’t home. Are you sure your mom can’t watch her?

Veego: Nope. I don’t know what to say, Kat. If I knew you’d definitely be home at a certain time, I’d take her to your house. But I don’t feel comfortable with that when you’re hours away and I might not be able to get to my phone if she needs me. Shit.

Me: I’m sorry. I don’t know what to say either. I thought I had plenty of time to get home.

Veego: I’ve got one option I can think of. You’re not going to like it, but I have no choice.

Devon watched me as I frantically dialed Veego’s number. I felt like a madwoman, racing through quicksand to save my baby who was quickly sinking.

“You can’t.”

He breathed, long and heavy. “Kat, she’ll be fine with your mom. Ellie’s old enough to watch out for herself, and your mom’s been sober for years. Maybe this is like camping, you have to trust it’ll be okay.”

My nostrils flared, and I slammed my fist down on my knee. “It isn’t the same thing. You didn’t see her blue lips or hear her gasping for air. If you’d been there that day, I swear, you wouldn’t even consider leaving her with Rose.”

There was a long pause, the only sounds the roar of the plane and Veego breathing. Devon had remained silent and watchful in the seat across from mine. “Where were you that day, Kat? Off with a guy, right? Just like today. The only difference is Ellie isn’t helpless and Rose is sober.”

Tears pricked at my eyes. Veego really knew how to drive the knife deep. That was the thing about being lifetime friends. He’d mapped out my weak spots long ago.

“Fine.” I wiped my eye with the back of my hand, admitting defeat. “Please remind Rose of Ellie’s allergies when you drop her off. I’ll be there as fast as humanly possible.”

“I’m sorry it has to be this way, but I don’t have a choice. You should have thought of this when you planned your trip.” Surprisingly, Veego did sound sorry. He also sounded as though he was scolding a child, but maybe I deserved it. I sure as hell felt like I did.

When I hung up, I turned to face the window, pressing my forehead against the cool glass. Devon reached out and squeezed my knee.

“We’ll get you there,” he said.

“Right. And it’ll be too late.” I swiped my eye again. “Can we not talk? I’m in a shitty mood and bound to say something I’ll regret.”

He withdrew his hand and let it fall on his lap like a lead weight. “Sure. Anything you want.”

No, it was pretty obvious getting what I wanted would never be for me.



Kat had pulled away from me entirely, curling into herself. She wouldn’t look at me. Wouldn’t tell me who Rose was and why leaving Ellie with her had her so terrified. It was all I could do not to yank her into my lap and ask her the questions burning the tip of my tongue.

That would have been selfish, and it wouldn’t have helped anything. The man I was when I rolled into town, crashed into Kat’s mailbox, and nearly ran over Ellie would have asked, badgering Kat until she gave in or slapped him. But I don’t know, maybe I’d grown a little. I hadn’t evolved into someone else, but at least I was aware my feelings weren’t the only ones that mattered.

I regretted this entire trip. Fucking loathed it. There’d been some bright moments, sure, but I could have had those same Copyright 2016 - 2024