Rock my world - By Cindi Myers Page 0,35

in a curly style. She looked great, as usual. “Can you imagine? All that time in bed, you’d think I’d have caught up on my sleep.”

Adam bit the inside of his cheek to keep from giving away the truth about how little sleep either of them had gotten in that bed.

“Adam and I were just talking about the great job you both did with the promo,” Carl said. “We got terrific listener response. Well, except for that one complaint, but that didn’t harm us any.”

“I thought it went really well.” She smiled at Adam. “It helped having Adam there to help me.”

“The two of you make a great team. I want to keep that momentum going, keep you two on the air together.”

“Please don’t tell me you’ve got another crazy promotional stunt in mind,” Adam said.

“Those crazy promotional stunts keep us in business. But no, I have something bigger in mind. I want you two to do the afternoon drive-time slot together from now on.”

Adam couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Talk about a bad idea. If he and Erica were partners on air, no way could they team up after hours. The potential for trouble was too huge. “Carl, I don’t think—”

“That’s a fantastic idea!” Erica clapped her hands together, the smile on her face bright enough to light the building. “Thank you. Thank you.”

About that time, Adam’s objection apparently registered. She turned to him, her smile gone. “You don’t want to work with me?”

“It’s not that I don’t think you’re great,” he hastened to add. “It’s just that I’ve always done my own thing.” And I’d rather have you as my girlfriend than my working partner.

“So the Hawk won’t be flying solo anymore,” Carl said. He sat back in his chair, hands folded on his stomach. “We’ll call it the Hawk and Honey show.”

“Honey?” Erica laughed. “I don’t know if I can say that with a straight face.”

“It’s all in how you sell it. You’re a pro, I’m sure you can do it.”

“It’s sexist,” Adam said.

“Not sexist, sexy.” Carl’s eyebrows drew together in a V. “Is there some reason you and Erica shouldn’t work together? Something you aren’t telling me?”

He glanced at her. She was sitting on the edge of her seat, an eager look in her eyes. For someone like her, a prime radio slot on the biggest rock station in the market was a dream come true. No way could he ruin that dream for the sake of his own libido.

“You’re right, Carl. It’ll be great. The listeners are probably getting tired of me by myself anyway.”

“Thank you, thank you. I promise it’ll be great.” She beamed at both of them. “When do we start?”

“How about this afternoon? Play up the idea that you two had so much fun together at the bed-in you couldn’t bear to break up the party.”

“We don’t want to give people the wrong idea,” Adam said.

Carl laughed. “The entertainment business is all about giving people the wrong idea. Remember, sex appeal and excitement sell. So flirt, banter, whatever works.”

“That should be simple enough.” She gave him a knowing look.

He shifted his gaze away from her. For Erica, it probably did seem simple. She couldn’t see the problems he did, didn’t know how hard it was at times to live life in the public eye. He didn’t relish being the one to wake her up to reality.

WHEN ERICA LEFT Carl’s office, she could hardly contain her excitement. She ran downstairs and straight to Tanisha’s desk. “Whoa, what’s gotten into you?” Tanisha looked up from a stack of reports she was collating. “You look ready to float up to the ceiling.”

“I feel like I could.” She sank into the chair next to the desk. “The most amazing thing just happened.”

Tanisha set aside the reports. “You got picked for the next season of Survivor? A long-lost uncle left you a million dollars? Wait—I know. Carl just doubled your salary. Now that would be amazing.”

She laughed. “None of that, but something almost as good. Carl liked the way Adam and I interacted during the promo so much that he’s putting me on the afternoon drive-time show with him!”

Tanisha’s eyes widened. “You mean like a partner?”

She nodded. “Yes. Can you believe it?” The thought of working with Adam every day was too sweet. “It’s incredible.”

“Wow. Congratulations.” She leaned forward and lowered her voice. “So you never did give me the scoop. What happened after I loaned you the lingerie? Exactly how much did you and the Copyright 2016 - 2024