Rock my world - By Cindi Myers Page 0,34

for the women, you put a guy in there, too. Instant sex appeal.”

“We’ll talk about it next year.” Carl put his hand on Erica’s shoulder and steered her toward the door. “We’ve got to get back to the station.”

In the parking lot, they stopped by the KROK van Carl was driving. “You two have the rest of the day off, so go home and get cleaned up or rest, or whatever you have to do,” the manager said. “You did a good job.”

“Thanks, Carl.” She gave him a weary smile.

“I want a steak,” Adam said. “No more pizza and burgers.”

“Whatever. I want to see you both in my office first thing tomorrow morning.” He climbed into the van and drove away.

Erica looked at Adam. “Why does he want to see us in his office? Do you think he knows what happened between us?”

“How could he? We could hardly see each other. There’s no way anyone else saw us.”

True, the showroom had been very dark. But that hadn’t interfered with their sense of touch. Her nipples hardened at the memory.

“He probably just wants to give us some kind of formal thanks,” Adam added.

“Or he’s got some other promotion in mind.” She made a face. “This turned out not to be so bad, but what if he wants us to do something really stupid?”

“We’ll tell him to give the gig to Bonnie.” He patted her shoulder. “Come on, let’s get out of here.” He stifled a yawn. “I think after my shower and my steak, I’ll take a nap. For some reason, I didn’t get much sleep last night.”

“Must have been the storm.” She stretched her arms over her head. “All that thunder and lightning kept me awake, too.”

“Thunder and lightning?” His eyes met hers, his expression suggestive.

“Yep. It was pretty spectacular.”

“It was, wasn’t it?” He patted her shoulder, then let his hand drop. “We’ll talk later.”

She nodded. “Good idea.” Though part of her wanted to go home with Adam right now, the rest of her realized a shower and a nap would make for a better time with him later. She started toward her car, then looked over her shoulder at him. “Hey, Adam.”


“We won’t be doing that much talking next time we get together. You’d better rest up. You’re going to need your energy.”

The interest that flashed into his eyes was worth the mad dash she had to make to her car. He stopped chasing her halfway across the parking lot and waved her on.

When she looked back, she saw Mason and another production worker surround him, laughing. She smiled and steered the car toward the exit from the parking lot. Carrying on a love affair with Adam amidst a bunch of nosy co-workers was going to be interesting. But then, she’d never been one to run from a challenge. Especially when the prize was so worthwhile.

TUESDAY MORNING, Adam arrived at work early. He told himself it was because he was eager to get back into the rhythm of a normal workday, but he knew the chance to see Erica before most of the other employees showed up had factored into his early arrival.

But she didn’t appear until five after eight. By then, Adam was already in Carl’s office while Audra took the morning show helm. He’d take his normal afternoon slot and Audra would do mornings until Nick was well.

“How’s Nick?” Adam asked, helping himself to a soda from the mini refrigerator by Carl’s desk. “When’s he going to be able to come back to work?”

“Next week, maybe. They’re supposed to kick him out of the hospital tomorrow.”

“He’s probably driving them all crazy.” He sank onto the sofa. “What did you want to see me about?”

“Let’s wait until Erica gets here.” Carl shuffled papers, then looked at Adam again. “Now that you’ve had a little time to think, what’s your assessment of her?”

Adam blinked, surprised at the question. She’s the sexiest, smartest, most amazing woman I’ve met in years. But that probably wasn’t the answer Carl was looking for. “Like I said before, she’s a natural on the air. Quick thinker. Calm. She has a great rapport with the listeners.”

Carl nodded. “I wanted to make sure your opinion hadn’t changed. So she acted like a pro?”

“Sure. She didn’t falter once.”


“Hi, Carl. Adam.” At that moment, the woman herself breezed in. “Sorry I’m late. I overslept.” She settled next to Adam on the sofa and crossed her legs. She’d taken the pink out of her hair and today wore it Copyright 2016 - 2024