Rock my world - By Cindi Myers Page 0,36

Hawk interact?”

Erica grinned. “Let’s just say I think you should definitely try that outfit on that guy in your building. The results for me were…impressive.”

“Uh-huh. Did you make use of those condoms I sent along?”

“Oh yes.”

“Get out of here!” Tanisha slapped Erica’s arm. “How did you manage that with the security cameras and everything?”

Erica looked around to make sure no one was listening, then leaned closer, keeping her voice low. “You remember that big storm Sunday night? When the power went out?”


“Well…no electricity, no cameras.”

Tanisha laughed. “You go. So what are you going to do now that you’ll be working together on air?”

She straightened and smoothed her skirt over her thighs. “We haven’t really talked about it.”

“The man doesn’t talk much, I’ve noticed.”

“He’s better when we’re alone. I definitely want to see more of him. And I think he feels that way, too.” Some men were harder to read than others. Adam had definitely been into her Sunday night, but this morning he’d seemed less sure. Maybe he was just gun-shy, remembering what had happened with Bonnie. Or maybe some other woman had screwed him up in the past. No matter. If he was reluctant, she was sure she could persuade him. After all, they still had a lot of discovering to do, both in and out of bed.

“If Carl finds out, he’ll have a conniption. Probably fire you both. You, for sure, since you don’t have any seniority.”

“I know.” She ought to be worried about that, but the idea of having to sneak around with Adam to keep anyone from finding out about their relationship made things that much more exciting. “We’ll be careful.”

“So you get the man, and your own show.” Tanisha shook her head. “The stars are sure lining up for you. But you’ve still got another problem.”

“What’s that?”

“The Bombshell is going to explode when she hears this one.”

Bonnie. For a moment Erica had forgotten about her unpredictable co-worker. “No, I don’t imagine she’ll be too happy.”

“Are you kidding? If I were you, I’d steer clear of her for the next few days, at least.”

“That’s going to be hard to do, since she does the weather and traffic reports during the show.”

“Yeah, well at least Adam will be there to run interference.”

“I’m sure he’s thrilled with that idea.” Maybe that explained why he’d been less than enthusiastic about them working together.

“What are they going to call the show, anyway?” Tanisha asked. “It can’t be Afternoons with the Hawk anymore.”

“Carl wants to call it the Hawk and Honey show.” She made a face. “Can you believe it?”

Tanisha laughed. “Honey? Sounds like something Carl would come up with. I suppose it could be worse.”

“It doesn’t matter.” She stood, ready to get to work. “If I have to change my name to Lambchop to do this, I will.”

The phone rang. “I’d better answer that,” Tanisha said. “But congratulations. I can’t wait to hear you on the air.”

“Thanks.” She turned and headed for the break room. Tonight she might treat herself to a bottle of champagne to celebrate, but for now a cup of strong coffee would have to do.

She wasn’t too surprised to find Adam already in the break room, seated at one of the tables. “I thought you might come down here after you got finished with Carl,” she said as she poured the last cup of coffee from the carafe. “Did he say anything else interesting after I left?”

“No, he just wanted me to take over some of Nick’s in-stores and concert gigs until he’s on his feet again.”

She took the seat across from him and busied herself adding packets of creamer and sugar to her coffee, while she studied him through lowered lashes. He looked more rested than he had over the weekend, the tiredness gone from his eyes. But he was never what she would call relaxed. He always had a watchfulness about him, as if he were sizing up every situation, never accepting anything at face value. No wonder he’d been dubbed “the thinker” by some since-departed station wag and that the label had stuck. But Erica wondered if it didn’t mean he tended to overthink some situations.

Not that she could be accused of overthinking. If anything, she was too impulsive at times. For instance, she’d once decided on a whim to drive to California for the weekend, ditching her job and the guy she was dating without a second thought. Looking back, she could see it wasn’t the smartest move, though it had been Copyright 2016 - 2024