Right With Me - Stacey Lewis Page 0,63

to throb against my tongue. My suction deepens and when I take the first hard pull, she shatters, her body squeezing my fingers rhythmically.

Feeling that, I can’t wait any longer to be inside her. I rise above her and reach over to grab a condom out of my nightstand, rolling down my length carefully while she watches, eyes heavy-lidded after her orgasm.

Hailey’s body is relaxed now, her thoughts only on how good she feels which lets me get into position and stroke the head of my cock against her clit. She flinches, still sensitive, but now that I’ve got her attention, I notch the head of my dick at her entrance and slide in, slow and steady.

“Fuck, you’re so damn tight.” She fits me like a glove, like she was made to cradle my body in hers. I want to kiss her, so I lean over, planting my fists on either side of her head and touching my mouth to hers as I withdraw, my tongue entering her mouth at the same time I push back inside her pussy.

Her hands come up to clutch my biceps, nails digging in slightly and giving me the smallest hint of pain with the sting. Our hips move together, hers rising when I pull out like she wants to keep me deep inside.

I can feel her tightening around me, but I want her to come again. I’m not going to be able to hold out much longer, she feels too damn good, and I want to watch one more time before I go over the edge.

With that goal in mind, I straighten so I’m kneeling between her legs, hating to lose her mouth but wanting to make this good for her. I press down on her clit with my thumb, drawing small circles on the hard knot, my eyes never leaving hers.

Her neck arches, eyes sliding closed as her moans get louder and I start to move faster. She’s getting closer, I can tell, so I use my free hand to grab her thigh, spreading her wide so I can thrust deeper. The change in angle is what she needs, and I can feel myself rubbing against the spot inside that’s guaranteed to drive her wild.

I know she’s about to come when her back bows, her body stiffens, and she lets out a keening cry. Her pussy squeezes me so tight I can barely move, but that’s fine. If I try to move, I’m just going to come, so I stay where I am until her body relaxes and her grip on me loosens.

I’m beyond ready for my own release, so I pick up my pace, pounding inside her until I explode, wishing I were coming inside her instead of a fucking condom.

What the hell?

What kind of thought is that? I can’t concentrate on it too much because it feels like my brain has completely left my body. Letting myself enjoy being inside her for a few minutes, I press a quick kiss to her lips, loving the blissed-out look on her face.

Finally, I have to get out of bed and deal with the condom, and when I come back, Hailey’s passed out in my bed. I slide in beside her, wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her back to my front. As much as I want to know where her head is at, I’m glad she’s comfortable enough with me to be able to sleep.

My own eyes slowly shut, and I allow myself to follow her into sleep. Tomorrow is soon enough to talk about what this means, what I want from her.

Chapter 28


Parent-teacher conferences are quickly becoming my least favorite thing. Every parent is convinced their child is the smartest one ever, and I get it, truly I do. The problem? Not every child does well on standardized tests, not all of them turn in their work on time—or at all—and some of them aren’t the easiest to get along with either.

Don’t get me wrong. Some of the conferences have been pleasant. Those parents are awesome, their kids are even better, and they make being a teacher look easy. Unfortunately, for every good conference, it seems like I have two horrible ones.

Like the last one. Tommy Ramsey is a holy terror in class and probably out of it. He talks back, refuses to do work, and is just generally disruptive during class. After meeting his dad, I know where he gets it from. The man spends more time staring at

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