Right With Me - Stacey Lewis Page 0,64

my chest than actually listening to what I’m trying to tell him.

He makes me feel downright dirty. I wish I had a second sweater I could put on because even though my shirt covers every part of my cleavage, he’s making me feel like I’m wearing a bikini top. I feel bad for his wife. She’s timid and flinches every time I say something about her son. She knows how he is; she just can’t get help from her husband in dealing with him.

Tommy Senior’s response to his son’s behavior is, “Boys will be boys, am I right?”

“No, Mr. Ramsey, you’re not right.” I hear his wife suck in a breath, though I’m not sure if it’s because I just disagreed with her husband or because she thinks his reaction is going to be bad.

The man puffs out his chest. It’s not a good look for him because it just makes his portly stomach look bigger. “Now, you listen here,” he starts, but I’m not about to let him talk like this to me.

“Mr. Ramsey. Your son interrupts my teaching at least once a day. I’ve tried to speak to you and your wife multiple times about this, but you always tell me you’re busy. The only reason you’re here today is because it’s mandatory and we both know it. You need to speak to him. I’ll be happy to help you figure out what’s going on with him, but if it continues, there will be disciplinary action.”

I look up at the clock and my heart speeds up. It’s time for this conference to end and my next to start. I’m both anticipating and dreading it because it’s Evie’s conference, which means I get to see Mitchell, but it also means I’ll have to see her mom. That part I am not looking forward to.

“Now, if you’ll come with me, it’s time for my next conference. If you need more of my time, we can set up a second meeting.” He grumbles all the way to the door, and when I open it, I see Mitchell standing just outside.

Evie isn’t with him, which is probably for the best. She’s doing great anyway, so the meeting part of this should be short. I’m sort of hoping I’ll have a chance to just let him hold me, especially after that last meeting. God, I hate parents who don’t give a shit.

Mr. Ramsey says something as he passes Mitchell that has him start to move towards him, a scary look on his face. “Mr. Anderson, if you’ll come this way?” I say it more to keep him from beating the crap out of another parent in the hallway than anything else, but it works.

He raises an eyebrow at me, and I know it’s because of the “Mr. Anderson” comment. I turn away, not wanting my heated face easily seen by the other two people in the hallway, and walk into my class, praying he’s going to follow.

Once it’s just the two of us, he shuts the door and comes over to wrap his arms around me. “Bad meeting?”

“Ugh. The worst. I swear that man doesn’t care what his son does. It’s probably the reason why his son does whatever he wants. Tommy’s desperate for someone’s attention and has decided even bad attention is good.”

Mitchell shakes his head. “Not good.” No, it’s really not. I’m saved from replying when his lips land on mine. All thoughts of Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey, along with every other crappy meeting I had today leave my head when he touches me. And when he kisses me? Well, I’m lucky I remember my own name.

The kiss is entirely too short. It would probably be longer, but I hear the echo of heels in the hallway and figure it must be his ex-wife. I don’t have long, but do manage to straighten my shirt and run my hands through my hair in an attempt to tame it from where his hands were all up in it a minute ago. There’s nothing I can do about my swollen lips, but maybe she won’t notice.

Tabitha Anderson walks in as I’m rounding my desk to take a seat. Mitchell drops into the one directly across from me, spreading his legs out and making himself comfortable. The contrast between him and Tabitha is so easy to see. She sits primly on the edge of the chair, her attention on whatever she’s typing into her phone.

“Jesus, Tab, could you stop texting for five minutes so

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