Right With Me - Stacey Lewis Page 0,62

she’s doing.

The fabric moves with her hand and she starts to make those whimpering noises almost nonstop. I can only take a few minutes of watching before I pounce, crawling up between her spread legs from the bottom of the mattress and pressing my mouth against the inside of her thighs.

They quiver against my lips, the movement of her hand stopping as she watches me, waiting to see where I’m going to touch next. As much as I want to go right for her pussy, her tits are bouncing with the movement of her body and I want to give them all the attention I wasn’t able to last time.

I put a hand on either side of her waist and dip down to take her left nipple between my lips. The hand not in her panties lands on the back of my head, her fingers tangling in my hair and I look up, brushing the hard knot with my beard.

“Please,” she begs, trying to force my mouth back down against her flesh.

I don’t think she even knows what she’s asking for, but she’s begging so prettily I can’t resist. My eyes stay on hers as I run my tongue around her nipple before biting down on it lightly.

Her hips raise off the bid and a strangled moan comes out of her mouth, but I can tell she likes the hint of roughness in my touch. Using my fingers, I pluck her other nipple with my fingers while sucking the left one back into my mouth. The dual sensations have her tossing her head back and forth on the pillow, her eyes squeezed shut. I switch my mouth to the other, switching so I’m plumping the breast I just had in my mouth with my hand. I wouldn’t want her to feel neglected after all.

Hailey’s hand is yanking my hair, her other hand fisting and loosening at her side. Her thighs squeeze together like she’s trying to relieve the pressure, but if anyone is going to do that, it’s going to be me.

Letting her nipple leave my mouth with a pop, I move down so I’m kneeling beside her legs and slowly pull her panties down her thighs and over her ankles before dropping them carelessly off the side of the bed. I can’t take my eyes off what I’ve just revealed.

She’s completely bare, her pink flesh glistening with her arousal. I want to dive in and devour her, but I don’t want to go too fast. I spread her legs, making room for me between them, and run my hands up her taut thighs. Her muscles are tense, quivering with anticipation, so I gently spread her lips with my thumbs, baring her pussy to my hungry gaze.

When I glance up, she’s looking down at herself, her lip back between her teeth like she’s trying to keep from making a sound.

“Can I?” I ask her permission, not because I think she may not want this, but because I want it to be her decision. I want her to know without a doubt that she asked for this.

Hailey looks confused at first, but quickly catches on. “Yes. Please, God, yes.”

The second she gives me permission, I lean forward and lick from the bottom of her pussy to her clit. Her moan is loud, and I love that she doesn’t even try to hide how much she likes what I’m doing.

My eyes stay on hers as I trace a circle around the hard rise of her clit, careful not to touch it directly, not yet. Then, I lick her again, this time starting at her clit and ending with my tongue inside her pussy.

She tastes better than I imagined, and trust me, I’ve imagined it a lot. I can’t even count the number of times I jerked off thinking about her pussy after that night in her apartment. I’ve wanted nothing more than to be right here, well, right here and inside her.

I use my tongue the same way I soon will my cock, thrusting it in and out twice more before concentrating my attention back on her clit. This time I lick directly over it, then seal my mouth around it and suck in small pulses. Her legs tighten around my head and I know she likes what I’m doing to her.

Using two fingers, I slide them inside her, pushing deep enough to find the ridged spot I know will drive her crazy, making a come here motion until her clit starts

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