Right With Me - Stacey Lewis Page 0,56

big a deal, but I groan inwardly. Tabitha’s always causing a problem. Why couldn’t she just let someone help her? It’s just a braid, not the cure for cancer.

We sit chatting for a few more minutes before the rest of the parents come out, but by then the lights have lowered and it’s harder to see who’s sitting where. Luckily for me, Tabitha doesn’t come over here, so I relax as the owners of the studio come up on stage to greet everyone.

Meredith steps forward first. “Good afternoon everyone. We’re so happy you’re here, and I know all the dancers backstage are thankful for your support. They’ve all worked hard, and I know they’re excited to show you what they’ve learned so far.”

She’s still speaking when Hailey leans closer to me to whisper, “Why are they having a recital so early in the year? Aren’t recitals normally in the spring or early summer?”

“This one is more, I guess, a practice recital. Competition season starts after the first of the year and having a smaller one early gets out some of the kids' nerves so they can focus better. Mostly, I think they just like being able to dress up and have everyone clap for them. The little kids especially.”

Hailey nods as Meredith finishes her speech and introduces Jax, who blows her a kiss when she takes a step back to let him have the spotlight. “Thanks, Sweet Tart,” he says to her before turning his attention to all of us. “Welcome. We’re glad to have you all here today. I just want to tell you all to make sure you cheer loudly, but only after each performance is finished. Don’t randomly yell your child’s name when they come on stage because it distracts and flusters them. That’s when they make mistakes.”

He looks toward the area where we’re all sitting and using his fingers, gestures from his eyes to our group. “I’m looking at you, Montgomerys.”

The rest entire auditorium laughs, and I lean over to explain to Hailey, “Some members,” I point at Will and Meredith’s husband Mark, “like to single out their family members when they come out onto the stage, and last year, Sophie tripped when they yelled. I’m fairly sure they’re the reason Meredith and Jax do this early recital. To let them get out all their yelling before competition starts.”

She giggles, and hearing what I’m saying, Isaac chuckles beside me too. Jax finishes up his speech, saying, “Enjoy! We’ll see you at the end.”

They walk off the stage and a few moments later the first group of kids come out. These ones are about Connor’s age, and I hear Hailey’s quiet, “Awww,” when she sees them toddle out behind their teacher. “They’re so cute!”

I turn my hand over and thread my fingers with hers, holding her hand like we’re teenagers on our first date but loving every moment of it. We watch the smallest kids do their dance, even though they’re basically just following whatever their teacher is doing. They have no clue if the moves they’re making are the right ones, which just makes them more charming.

When they’re finished, the whole auditorium claps for them, and the little kids just wave at us all. They all have huge smiles on their faces, and the applause doesn’t stop until the last one leaves the stage. That means a lot of clapping because the last child goes in the opposite direction of everyone else and the teacher has to run after her. It makes everyone laugh, which is nice.

There are two more groups before Evie and Sophie come on. They try hard not to look out into the audience to find their parents, but I can tell they’re struggling to stay strong. It’s kind of adorable.

They start their routine and I’m a little in awe of Meredith and Jax. I don’t know how they come up with the choreography for these dances, but they manage to make each one unique. Not one of the groups today does the same routine or even one that’s similar. I don’t think I could manage that. But then, I didn’t choreograph dances for a megastar either the way they did. Not many people can do that. Their reputation is why Tabitha chose this school. I’m glad she did because Evie loves dance and this is the best school in Seattle, maybe the state.

Once they finish their routine, the Montgomery crew all yells for Sophie, and they cheer along with me for Evie

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