Right With Me - Stacey Lewis Page 0,55

waiting for Tabitha to say something about me dating, sure the kids would tell her the first time they saw her after Hailey and Connor came to our place for dinner. Surprisingly, there’s been nothing and she’s been civil the past couple times I’ve had to see her. I keep waiting for the real Tab to show up, but so far, it’s been nice.

The auditorium is already filling up when I walk in, and I see a lot of the guys I’ve become friendly with since Evie and Sophie are friends. Plus, they all bring their cars to my shop now. It’s always a good idea to be friendly with your mechanic. We’re the ones who keep your vehicle running smoothly, which means less money coming out of your pocket for little things.

There are a few seats free near them, so I go down and take one. Maybe the rest of the seats nearby will get filled and Tabitha will have to sit elsewhere. One can hope maybe.

When they see me, Isaac and Caleb both reach out hands to clasp mine in greeting since they’re close, while the others raise hands or nod once to show they’ve seen me. The seats on either side of Isaac are open, so I take the one furthest away from their family, figuring the other is where Stacey is sitting. She’s probably back right now helping Sophie get into her costume.

With the way Tabitha is, me going back to help Evie would make sense, but dance recitals are the one area where she turns into a perfectionist parent. She always wants Evie to look better than everyone else, probably because it makes her look good too.

I’m listening to Isaac and his brothers discuss Will’s season this year, ribbing him about an interception he made in his last game when someone sits down beside me. Turning, I see Hailey’s bright smile.

“Hi,” she says softly. “Is Evie excited for today?”

I’m so surprised to see her I can’t respond immediately. Finally, I snap out of it to tell her, “Yeah, she called me last night and this morning to make sure I was still coming.” Shaking my head at the memory, I smile. “Like I’d ever miss one of her recitals.”

Hailey lays her hand on top of mine where it rests on my thigh and squeezes. “She knows better than to think that. I’m sure the excitement and nerves were getting to her.” Her lips lift in a small smile. “All little girls want their dads to be there when they’re nervous. It helps, just knowing you’re here.”

I return hers with a smile of my own, then lean forward to greet the woman sitting beside her. “Hey, Riley. I didn’t expect to see you today.”

The brunette shrugs one shoulder. “The girls told us about today’s recital a few weeks ago at brunch and we decided to come show our support. Plus, at least half these kids are my patients. It’s nice to see them in a setting when they aren’t mad because they’re seeing me the same day they have to get shots.” Her lips twist, but she laughs.

A few minutes later, parents start coming out of the back to take their seats, so I know it’s almost time to start. The wives of some of the guys sitting here in our section stop to say hello to Hailey and Riley, and me too as they go past. Stacey leans down to hug both girls, then kisses me on the cheek as she squeezes by before Isaac pulls her down on his lap, smacking a loud kiss on her lips that makes her shriek and laugh.

Everyone around us laughs, but I pray they haven’t gotten the attention of Tabitha. If she sees me, she’s going to come over, and with Hailey and I holding hands I know she’ll cause a scene.

I haven’t seen her come out though, and it makes me worry she hasn’t gotten here yet. Was her car in the lot when I got here? I can’t remember. A soft hand lands on the one Hailey’s not touching, and I look over at Stacey. “Tabitha’s still back there with Evie. They were having trouble with the braid she was trying to put in her hair. It’s just like the one Sophie has, which is why Evie wanted it. She wouldn’t let me show her, or do it, and finally pulled up a video that got her started.”

Stacey rolls her eyes, acting like it’s not that

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