Right With Me - Stacey Lewis Page 0,54

the expensive watch on his arm. “I need to get going, I have plans.”

“You’re kidding me, right?” I can’t believe him. Well, that’s not true. I can, I just hoped for better when I should’ve known to expect the least amount.

He ignores the anger coming out in my voice and runs his hands over his hair like he’s afraid even one single hair has dared defy him. “No, Hailey. I’m not kidding you. I’ll call you to set up a time to get Connor next time.”

“Get him?” The hell? “What do you mean get him? I’m not letting you take him somewhere when he barely knows you. You’re going to need to spend actual time with him for a while before you can just pick him up and take him without me.”

Seth groans like I’m being unreasonable, but I’m not. He’s being ridiculous. Our son is three and he hasn’t seen him in over a year. Our divorce was final fifteen months ago, and it had been a while before then, so it’s actually closer to two years.

“We can talk about this later.”

I don’t want to talk later, but since he walks away as he’s speaking and Connor has now decided he wants to play on the equipment twenty feet away, I don’t have the option to go after him. My son is more important.

Mitchell doesn’t come with me, and it’s not until after I’ve put Connor in the swing and started pushing that I see him at Seth’s car. They’re talking, surprisingly it looks like it’s a civil conversation. I split my attention between the swing and what’s going on with the two of them, watching as Mitchell’s face becomes stormy and he leans forward menacingly.

Whatever he says to Seth has him hurrying to get inside his car and leave. I bet he locked the door the second it shut to keep Mitchell out, something that makes me laugh a little. How did I never notice how Seth avoided confrontation with anyone he wasn’t sure he could best? I just can’t get over how quickly he backed down from whatever he was saying.

Making his way over to us, I can tell Mitchell’s still pissed about whatever they were talking about. When he reaches me, he doesn’t say anything, just puts his arm around my waist and watching as I push Connor’s swing.

I can’t take the suspense, so after a couple of minutes, I ask, “What was that all about?”

“Nothing really,” he says with a nonchalant shrug. “Just wanted to make a few things clear.” Mitchell’s head shakes, but he’s smirking. “How the hell did you end up with an asshole like that?”

Now I’m the one shrugging. “Young and dumb, I guess? At least I finally figured it out.”

He laughs. “Yeah, I don’t know about that. I’m an asshole too.”

“Maybe.” I consider him, tilting my head to one side so I can act like I’m trying to come to a decision. When I don’t dispute his statement, his hand at my waist digs in and I jump. I’m not super ticklish, but he found the spot that will have me writhing on the ground shrieking.

I try to get away, but the way he’s holding me prevents me from moving far. Now that he knows it’s a ticklish spot, he pulls me so I’m standing in front of him and he can get to it better. I start to giggle and try to squirm away, but he has his other arm wrapped around my chest. I’m stuck, and the harder I laugh the louder Connor’s giggles get. He can’t even see what Mitchell’s doing to me, but my laughter is contagious.

Soon, we’re all laughing, and when Mitchell stops torturing me, I relax into his embrace. The grin on my face is so wide my cheeks kinda hurt. This is the type of family I wanted to have when I found out I was pregnant. I pray it continues because losing this now would tear my heart into unrecognizable pieces.

Chapter 25


The next three weeks pass quickly, between work, the kids and their activities, and spending time with Hailey. Before I know it’s close, Evie’s recital weekend is upon us and I’m going to be forced into spending time with my ex. I want to watch Evie dance, but listening to Tabitha critique everything the kids do is not how I want to spend my Saturday. I’d much rather be with Hailey. Hailey, her son, and my kids would be even better.

I’ve been

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