Right With Me - Stacey Lewis Page 0,57

too. Hailey cheers for everyone, not wanting to single one out, I’m sure, since she teaches more than just Sophie and Evie. She and Riley both do this.

The girls file off the stage and we watch the rest of the groups do their dances. Hailey’s entranced by them all if her soft gasps and sighs are anything to go by, but I’m impatient for it to be over now that Evie’s danced. I want to grab her and hug her, tell her what a good job she did and how proud I am of her.

By the time the last dance finishes, I’m almost unable to sit still. The thigh our hands is resting on is bouncing up and down and I’m struggling to remain in my seat. The second Meredith and Jax finish thanking us for coming and saying how proud they are of all the dancers themselves, I’m out of my seat, dragging Hailey behind me.

Normally, I would go backstage and see Evie, but since Hailey is with me, I stay up front, holding the flowers I brought for her in my free hand. I’m glad setting them on the floor at the edge of the floor where it met the next set of seats didn’t ruin them. I was afraid if I held them the whole time, I’d crush them while I waited to be able to give them to her.

A person comes to stand beside me, but I pay them no attention, thinking it’s just another parent, but then she speaks, and I realize Tabitha’s been so far from my thoughts I forgot she was even here.

“Did you just get here?” She asks it like it’s just a normal question, but I can feel the anger behind it.

I make it a point not to look at her when I answer, not wanting to see the ire I’m sure is reflected in her expression. “No, I got here ten minutes or so before it started. I sat with the Montgomery’s.”

“Oh,” she says snottily, put out because it’s one less reason to complain. “Who’s that?” I don’t know if she hasn’t looked close enough to recognize her, or if she’s forgotten what Hailey looks like, but I’m thankful either way. The last thing Evie needs is us to fight here in the company of all her classmates.

Hailey stiffens beside me, and I know she’s waiting for the fireworks to start too. “My girlfriend,” I finally respond, praying my luck holds and it’s that she doesn’t realize who she is.

Tabitha sniffs, and I know she’s lifting her nose higher in the air, thinking she’s much more important than she is. “Girlfriend? I didn’t realize you had any of those. I thought you were more the one-night stand type.” She’s trying to rile Hailey up, but she knows I haven’t slept with anyone since the day I met her, so it doesn’t work.

Leaning around me, Tabitha holds out her hand to Hailey like she’s expecting her to take it and kiss the top. I roll my eyes at her ridiculousness but bite the inside of my cheek to keep from calling her on it. “Hello, girlfriend. I’m the wife.”


“Ex. Wife.” I bite out from between clenched teeth. Turning to glare at her, I wish I could smack the smug as fuck look off her face. She thinks she’s causing a problem, but if she realized who Hailey is, she’d know that’s impossible.

Before she can try to stir the pot any further, Evie comes running out from behind the curtain. “Daddy!” she screeches, throwing herself in my arms and wrapping her arms tight around my neck.

I stand, bringing her up with me. Evie wraps her legs around my waist as I spin her around. “I’m so proud of you, princess. You did such a great job.”

“Thanks, Daddy,” she says, her words muffled because her face is buried in my neck.

After twirling her around a few times, I put her down and turn her to face her mom. Tabitha hugs her too, murmuring something in her ear I can’t hear before she stands to her full height. “C’mon, Evie. We need to get going. I still have to pick Ben up at Charlie’s.”

“But, Mommy…” Evie whines, face falling because she doesn’t want to leave just yet.

We’re saved when Stacey steps over, her hand on Sophie’s shoulder. “Hey, Tab. Sophie wants to know if Evie can come home with us for a sleepover. They’re both so excited about today. I don’t think they’re ready

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