Right With Me - Stacey Lewis Page 0,49

panties. They’re almost the exact same color as the dress she’s wearing and I wonder if her bra matches too. I don’t wonder for long though, I’m way more interested in what’s inside her panties.

Stroking my finger along the center of her panties, I have to force myself not to go too fast. Even through the silk covering her, she’s soft and warm. I want my hands all over her. My next pass over her, I press a little harder and feel the rise of her clit under my fingertip. The rougher touch has her moaning against my throat, then she presses her lips against my skin and sucks lightly.

My excitement rises at her response and I carefully pull the edge of her panties over to the other side so I can see what I’m doing to her pussy. Just looking at her does something to me. She’s so pretty and pink… and so goddamn wet. I want to make her drenched, make her messy. It’s a feeling I’ve never had before and one that’s a little shocking, honestly.

Instead of going right for her pussy now that it’s bared to my gaze, I stroke my hand up and down her thigh, enjoying the goosebumps that raise in my wake. Hailey starts to squirm harder against me and muttering words I don’t understand. They sound a little desperate, like she’s close to begging me to touch her, so I stop teasing her.

The first touch of my finger on her slick flesh makes her moan loudly, the inside of her thighs quivering against mine as I stroke her. Her pussy is clean-shaven and her clit is a hard little knot that’s dying for my attention.

“Mitchell, please,” Hailey moans. Her head lifts, the lust in her eyes crystal clear. Keeping my eyes on her, I run my finger around her clit, careful not to touch it at first, before pinching it between my fingers.

Her whole body trembles against me as she erupts in orgasm. Her eyes close and she throws her head back, beautiful in her release. It takes everything I have not to come myself. I wanted this to be all about her because I’m guessing that hasn’t happened to her very often. From what she’s said about her ex, he’s a selfish bastard who probably didn’t make sure she came at all.

Hailey’s attention slowly focuses back on me and she looks well-pleasured with her eyes at half-mast and a pretty blush on her face. Her lips are puffy, both from my kisses and her biting them. As I watch, her blush deepens. She’s starting to realize where she is and what I just did to her and I can see the lust turn to embarrassment before my eyes.

“Baby,” I start, but she tenses at my voice and looks away. Grabbing her waist with both hands, I snap, “Hailey.” I shouldn’t be so hard when I say her name, but I can see her starting to panic which is the last thing I want.

Saying her name that way gets her attention and she turns back to face me. I lean in and press a soft kiss to first her top lip, then her bottom, before kissing the tip of her nose and finally both her closed eyelids. She relaxes in my hold with each small kiss, and when her eyes open, they look less troubled.

“Hey,” I say softly, not wanting to scare her off again. “What we just did? It was the best moment of my day… maybe even my year.”

Her eyes fill with tears and I worry for a second that I said something wrong, but she wraps her arms around my neck and hugs me to her. My hands go around her waist and I pull her in as close as I can, enjoying just holding her against me.

We sit like this for a few minutes, but all too soon I have to break the connection. Hailey sits up straight to look at me, and as much as I hate to do it, I tell her, “I should probably get home. Ben’s with Evie, but I didn’t plan to stay as long as I have.”

She nods, climbing from my lap and standing in front of me with one arm wrapped around her stomach like she’s trying to protect herself. The pose is defensive and makes me run what I just said through my head again. Shit. That did not come out the way I meant it.

“Hey,” I tell her, pulling

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