Right With Me - Stacey Lewis Page 0,48

forced to meet my eyes.

Tears fill her eyes, in serious danger of falling and something in my chest squeezes at the sight of her pain. “Baby,” I murmur, dropping my hands so I can pull her into my arms. Her head comes to rest on my shoulder and when I kiss the top of her head she starts to cry. Hailey’s body is wracked with sobs and I hate the thought that I might be responsible for some of them.

Lifting her up, I cradle her ass with my hands and she wraps her legs around me. I walk over to the couch and sit down, leaving her no choice but to straddle my lap. Her head is still on my shoulder, her hands clutching my shirt to pull herself as close to me as she can. Rubbing my hand up and down her back I try to soothe her, murmuring what I hope are comforting words.

After a few minutes, her crying quiets until all that’s left is shuddering breaths and the occasional hiccup. Hailey eventually sits up to look at me and even with tear tracks on her cheeks and red, swollen eyes, she’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.

I start to speak, to say her name, but her lips crash down on mine. Any thoughts of speech are forgotten. I’ve spent the last week dreaming of Hailey’s lips on mine, and even though I know I shouldn’t take advantage of her when she’s just been crying, I don’t want to hurt her either.

Hailey pulls back to trace the seam of my lips with her tongue, trying to control our kiss, and I take over. Wrapping her long hair around my fist, I use my hold to tilt her head the way I want it and push my tongue into her mouth.

She moans at the first touch of our tongues but doesn’t hesitate to stroke mine with hers. The feeling has me groaning into her mouth while she whimpers into mine. Our kiss goes on forever, our heads tilting first one way, then the other, and the more she gets into it, the more restless Hailey gets.

A few minutes after we start devouring each other, her hips start to rock on my lap, and even through her panties, I can feel how hot she is. I’m instantly glad she’s wearing a dress because goddamn, I want to feel all of her more than I want my next breath.

Her movements are jerky, so I grip her waist with my free hand to guide her movements. Her pussy slides against my cock and I almost come in my jeans like a teenager at the feel of it. She feels so damn good, even with three layers of clothes separating us.

“Mitchell,” she whimpers my name as her thighs tighten against my legs. Already she’s close to coming, which tells me it’s been a minute since another man has touched her.

Hell, just that thought makes my hand tighten on her waist because she’s choosing to let me be the one who touches her. I don’t deserve it, but I’m damn sure going to take it.

I run my hand up her side slowly, stopping just under the swell of her breast. Her spine straightens, pushing her flesh closer to me in invitation, so I take what she’s offering by brushing my thumb across her nipple. It’s obvious she’s as turned on as I am.

Her mouth leaves mine when I touch her and her breath catches. Our eyes meet for a second, then she drops her head to my shoulder where I can feel her panting against my neck.

Releasing my hold on her hair, I bring both hands up to cover her breasts, squeezing gently with my palms, then using my fingers to pinch the tight nubs. Every move I make has her hips moving against me faster and her breaths turn into constant whimpers the closer she gets to her climax.

I want more than anything to put my hand in her panties before she comes, but I don’t know if she’ll let me. To test the waters, I slide one hand down her belly, stopping at the apex of her thighs to give her a chance to say no.

“Please.” It’s a breathy plea, barely enough sound to be heard, but my ears are attuned to every noise she makes.

My hand moves slowly, pulling up the hem of her dress one inch at a time until I can look down and see her silky lavender

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