Right With Me - Stacey Lewis Page 0,50

her arm free with one hand and putting the other under her chin to make her look at me. I don’t want there to be any confusion. “I meant what I said, Hailey. Leaving you right now is the last thing I want to do, but I can’t leave Ben there all night with Evie. They aren’t old enough for that.”

Her eyes narrow and she pulls her face away from my hand. “I know that, Mitchell.”

“Then what was with the…” I trail off and wave my hand near her stomach “…that.”

Rolling her eyes heavenward, she sighs heavily before explaining. “Just because I know why you have to leave doesn’t make it any less awkward. This—” now she’s the one doing the gesturing, from my body to hers “—wasn’t something I planned on happening tonight and now that it has, I don’t know how to act around you.”

I can see that telling me that embarrassed her even further, especially when she mutters, “And I’m so glad you just made me explain.”

“So, we’re good then?”

The looks she gives me is glacial. “Yes, Mitchell, we’re ‘good.’” This is said complete with finger quotes, which should tell me she doesn’t mean it, but she’s already said she does, and I don’t want to question her again.

Stepping forward, I wrap an arm around her waist and pull her into my embrace. I lean forward, stopping with my lips barely touching hers to say, “Good,” one last time before I kiss her one last time.

After we break apart, I kiss her forehead, then take her hand and lead her to her front door. “I’ll text you later?”

Hailey nods, and once I’m through the door she shuts it behind me. I wait to hear her twist the deadbolt before walking away, my head replaying what happened and wishing I didn’t have to leave right after. One time, I swear we’ll be able to finish this, and I’ll be able to stay all damn night. Once with her won’t be enough, I already know that.

Ben’s sitting on the couch playing a game when I walk back into our apartment and doesn’t even look up when I come in. I drop down beside him, reaching over to hit the button to pause on his controller and wait for him to complain. Surprisingly, he doesn’t.

He barely turns, looking at me out of the corner of his eye. “Everything okay?”

As much as I know it will irritate him, I mess up the hair on his head before saying, “Yeah, I think so. Connor’s dad wants to see him, even though it’s been over a year. Since you and Evie will be with your mom, I’m going to go with Hailey, so she isn’t alone with him. He’s a dick.” Fuck. I’m supposed to watch my mouth around the kids, but I suck at it. It’s not like they don’t hear the words all the time anyway, especially Ben, but Tabitha will be pissed if he repeats my words.

“Alright bud,” I look up at the clock and realize it’s way past his bedtime. “You need to get in the shower and get in bed.”

Ben groans, but doesn’t argue, so I’m left sitting on the couch and staring at the blank television with my thoughts.

Chapter 24


I’ve spent all week dreaming about the night Mitchell followed me back to my apartment to find out what was bothering me. The only thing about my dreams? They don’t end with Mitchell leaving after putting his hand in my panties. No, these end in my bedroom when he’s laid me down on my bed and started taking his clothes off.

I always wake up right before his pants come off. It’s so depressing… and sexually frustrating. I’m in danger of wearing out my vibrator. Good thing it’s one of those ones that has a cord and is rechargeable otherwise I’d probably be broke.

Today is just one more morning where I wake up hot and bothered, but unlike every other morning, I don’t have time to take care of my problem. I’m supposed to meet Seth at ten-thirty because he’s evil and believes in meeting early in the day on a freaking Saturday, probably just to inconvenience me further.

I didn’t tell him about Mitchell coming with me. Maybe I should’ve, but I don’t really think he’ll care very much. He might be bothered by Mitchell knowing he’s a shitty father, but not because he cares about his parenting skills. Seth is just way too focused on his image and

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