Right With Me - Stacey Lewis Page 0,40

me a finger wave. “Hey, it’s good to see you.”

“You too.” It’s nice seeing a friendly face.

Before Riley can continue, she introduces the rest of the group, going around the table in order. “Hailey, meet pretty much all the women in my family. My cousin, Brynna, who’s married to Isaac’s brother Caleb. Jules, Isaac’s sister, and you already met Meg, who’s married to one of his other brothers, Will. The only wives missing are Nic, who’s married to Matt, and Alecia. She’s married to Dominic.”

Even though Riley takes her seat right away, I’m staring at Meg in a little of both shock and awe. Hearing that she’s married to Will when I know as of last week that he’s Isaac’s brother has me wanting to ask her all sorts of questions. Fangirling over the football player’s wife is a little mortifying, but I can’t help it.

“Uh, Hailey?” Riley’s looking at me like she wants to grab me and force me to sit down beside her but knows it would make things even more awkward if she did that. “What are you doing?” she whispers, “like the rest of the girls can’t hear when she has to know they can.”

I’m still staring at Meg but manage to shake myself out of my stupor. I feel a little stupid knowing I stood here staring at her for so long, but she gives me an understanding smile. “You’re the Hailey that met my husband last weekend, aren’t you?” My speech hasn’t recovered apparently, so all I can do is nod. “I feel like I should apologize,” she laughs. “The man is basically an overgrown child.”

“Oops,” Riley gives me a sheepish look. “I probably should have warned you who we were meeting.”

Now I’m the one giving her a look, but mine says duh. “Yeah, Riley, that might have been just a little helpful.”

All the women at the table laugh, and the atmosphere in the room changes to one that’s way more comfortable than the one I caused by acting like a crazy woman.

Now that the ice has been broken, I take the seat beside Riley, which just happens to be across from Stacey, who winks at me. “Trust me. This family would be a lot to handle even if we didn’t have celebrities in it.” The rest of them laugh, but I’m so curious.

As much as I want to ask, I don’t want to invade their privacy either. Not asking is going to be hard, but being the stalkerish fangirl isn’t a good look.

We all place orders, which include plenty of mimosas, and the girls all settle in to talk. I’m amazed at how comfortable they all are with each other. Even the “friends” I had back in Portland weren’t this easy to be with. I always felt like they were judging me, while with this group, I feel like I’m just one of the girls and have been here forever.

Meg says my name, and I realize it’s not the first time. “What’s it like having Sophie for so many hours a day?” She grins over at Stacey, clearly teasing her. “That child has a mind of her own.”

“She gets that from her father,” Stacey tells us all, and we all laugh.

Brynna leans over to bump Stacey with her shoulder. “I don’t think it’s all from Isaac. Seems like I remember you being the exact same way when you were that age.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Stacey can’t even keep a straight face when she says this, and Brynna dissolves into giggles with her. Once they’ve sobered, she turns to me. “Oh, Hailey, I wanted to ask you. Sophie is having a dance recital in a few weeks and she would love for you to come watch. I think there are a couple of kids from her class who are dancing, and I know having you show up to surprise them would just make their day. I know Sophie talks about you all the time.”

Her words bring an uncontrollable smile to my lips. I love hearing that my kids like me, and Sophie’s such a sweet child. “Oh, I’d love to! Thank you so much for inviting me.” Taking out my phone, I put the date and time into my calendar and save it so I won’t forget.

“Yay! I’m so glad.” Stacey smiles at me warmly. “Sophie will love showing her moves off to someone new. I think she’s bored with all of us now. We aren’t the best audience since

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