Right With Me - Stacey Lewis Page 0,41

we’ve seen it all.”

Them talking about other students in the class being part of the recital makes me wonder if Evie is in it too, but I don’t want to ask and call attention to the fact that I’m sort of dating her dad. I’m still a little wary of people finding out and am just counting myself lucky that we didn’t run into anyone I had to worry about on our date aside from Isaac.

Once she’s gotten my agreement, Stacey’s attention turns back to her sisters-in-law and the conversation turns to husbands and kids and what everyone is planning to do this weekend. I’m glad the focus is off me and when the waitress brings our food I settle in to eat. It’s all so good. I’ll have to remember this place.

After brunch and on the way home, I ask Riley, “Why didn’t you warn me we’d be having brunch with Will Montgomery’s wife and most of his family?”

She laughs. “Sorry, honey. I didn’t think about it. I’ve met up with them a few times now and it doesn’t faze me the way it used to. Plus, Will is just the tip of the iceberg. The recital they were talking about? The two teachers used to work with Starla. Can you believe that?” I don’t get to say anything before she drops a major bomb on me. “And one of them, not one who was there today, but one of them is married to Luke Williams. Trust me, I almost passed out when I found out. It was all I could do not to grill the poor woman on what it was like to be married to him.”

“Wow,” is all I can think to say. Luke Williams was the guy every girl had a crush on back when he did those vampire movies. I am not ashamed to say I had posters of him on every wall and just might have written “Hailey Williams” on more than one notebook.

“Mmhmm. And his wife is gorgeous and sweet too. They’re both way more down to earth than you would think.”

I wonder if she’s the pediatrician for any of these famous families, but I don’t ask. It feels like that would be invading their privacy, and hers too.

Riley continues to chatter the rest of the way home and I just enjoy hanging out with someone who isn’t under ten. She’s so much fun, and meeting her has definitely been one of the highlights of moving back home. It’s nice to have a genuine friend, and she’s such a sweet person. I’m sure her patients love her, even when she has to give them shots. I know Connor sure does. He’s fascinated with her red hair.

We pull into the parking lot and I send a text to my mom to let her know I’m home so she can bring Connor. She replies quickly to say she’ll be here shortly, and we aren’t even at our stairs when I see Mitchell with his Evie at the playground. I freeze, watching him laugh as he chases his daughter around the play area. She’s shrieking with glee, and the site brings a smile to my face.

“Go talk to him,” Riley urges. “You deserve someone who looks at you the way he does.”

Her words are so sweet, I can’t help but reach forward to hug her. “Thanks. I’ll talk to you later?”

“Of course. Go get ‘em, tiger.”

Chapter 21


I know it’s the kid who’s supposed to get worn out playing, but after an hour of chasing Evie around the playground acting like I’m the Beast from her favorite movie I’m ready for a nap.

“Mrs. Lucas!” she screams before taking off running for the edge of the play area.

Hailey’s just stepping onto the rubber material when Evie slams into her, wrapping her arms around her waist and beaming up at her. I watch Hailey look down at her, her face softening as she smiles down at my daughter and runs a hand down her hair. Whatever she says has Evie’s grin widening in a way that seems like it should be impossible.

After their short conversation, Evie releases Hailey so she can grab her by the hand and pull her over to where she left me. “Look, Daddy, it’s Mrs. Lucas.” Hearing her call her Mrs. has me clenching my fists because she feels like she’s mine. She’s certainly not his anymore. Dumbass.

“Hey,” she greets me shyly, not quite looking me in the eye.

Evie keeps pulling her closer until she’s

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