Right With Me - Stacey Lewis Page 0,39

Mitchell. His in-need-of-a-trim hair falls over his forehead when he grins down at me and I almost melt into a puddle at his feet just by seeing it.

“Hey, Hails.” His smile is contagious and I return it, unreasonably happy he’s calling me the silly nickname. Most people just call me Hailey and don’t bother to shorten it. Seth sure never did. Hails would probably make his lip curl in distaste, and that just makes me like it more.

I’ve never been more suddenly depressed about having to leave than I am right now, but I return his greeting shyly. “Hey.”

“Sorry I’ve been kinda MIA this week,” he starts, but he doesn’t need to explain.

Waving off his words, I reassure him. “I totally get it. Your kids need to come first. I’ve been busy with Connor too and figuring out lesson plans for next month, so I probably wouldn’t have had a lot of time anyway.”

“That may be true, but I’m still sorry. I feel like I’ve pretty much blown you off this week and that wasn’t my intention.”

I step closer to put a hand on his arm. My intention is just to squeeze it and let go, but when I touch him, I swear my head gets foggy. His cologne fills my nose and I’m transported back to our date and the way he kissed me. My body sways closer to his, unconsciously wanting to be as close to him as possible, but before his lips meet mine a voice interrupts us.

“Uh, no ma’am. It’s not make out with the guy time.” Riley’s trying to sound stern, but failing miserably because she’s giggling by the end of her sentence.

When I look over, she’s standing beside me, arms over her chest, with what I’m sure she thinks is a mean look on her face. My face bursts into flames and Mitchell chuckles. “I wasn’t making out with anyone.”

“You were about to though,” is her retort, and she raises one dark eyebrow, waiting for me to try to deny it again.

Mitchell’s chuckle turns into an outright laugh and both Riley and I turn our attention to him. He shrugs, turning that smirk on me and making me forget what I was even saying. “She’s not wrong. I was about to kiss you.”

“Well,” Riley informs him, “we don’t have time for that. We’re meeting friends for brunch, and no boys are allowed.” She looks his body up and down, then shakes her head. “No matter how damn hot you are.”

“Riley!” I scold her, but she’s completely unrepentant.

He looks a little disappointed, but doesn’t ask me not to go like Seth would have. Let’s be honest, Seth wouldn’t have asked. He would have just told me I wasn’t going and that would’ve been that. “Call or text me when you get home?” is all Mitchell asks, and I nod. He leans down, dropping a soft kiss to my lips before saying, “Have fun, ladies.”

Riley and I both watch him leave. I think we both sigh at the sight of his ass in those jeans, something that’s proved correct by her next statement. “Damn, I’d like to sink my teeth into that.” The visual in my head is of my petite friend with her teeth in Mitchell’s backside like a Chihuahua, hanging on for dear life.

Once he’s gone, she turns to me and says, “You ready?” I tell her I am, then follow her out of the apartment and down to her car.

Everyone else is already at the restaurant when we arrive, and they’ve commandeered two tables to have enough room for everyone. When Riley said “a few friends” I wasn’t imagining this many people, and even though I see one person I’ve met, I sort of want to run away.

Riley doesn’t let me do that, holding my hand as she drags me behind her into the bright, open room. My senses are assaulted by the smells of breakfast and by the time we reach their table I’m almost drooling because it smells so damn good.

“Hey y’all,” Riley greets everyone, her slight southern accent charming us all.

A pretty brunette stands to hug her. “Hey, sweetie. Glad you could come.”

“Me too.” Turning to me, she introduces her friend. “Riley, this is Meg Montgomery. She’s a nurse I work with at the hospital sometimes.” Then, she turns to Meg and continues the intros. “Meg, this is Hailey Lucas—”

She’s cut off when Stacey interrupts to say, “Hailey is Sophie’s teacher this year.” She grins up at me and gives

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