Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,62

he bit out harshly. “It’s Jenna. And I was here the other night when you served her not one, but two drinks.” Adrian set the crutches aside and leaned his elbows on the bar all casual-like. “I stood right over there and watched you with her. You talked and smiled. Looked like you were really laying on the charm.”

Gabe cleared his throat, a clear signal for him to shut the hell up. Since the guy wasn’t his boss, Adrian continued on.

“A man bought Jenna a drink. He sat at the end of the bar, right over there.” He pointed to where the man had been sitting. “Tall. Olive skin. Real good lookin’ Hispanic guy.”

“And?” Slay snorted as he broke eye contact. “Last I checked, it’s not a crime to buy a woman a drink. I mean, I’ve kinda built a business on that shit.”

Oh, it’s going to be so much fun beating your ass.

“You took the guy’s money, and you served her a drink that he paid for. A drink laced with Ketamine. I want his name.”

The idiot eyed the crutches, and apparently decided it was a good idea to grow a set of balls. “What are you, her boyfriend or something?”

Adrian’s voice lowered to an even deadlier calm. “Something.”

Gabe crossed his arms, stretching the arms of his t-shirt to their limit. He was clearly ticked off because, yeah. Adrian hadn’t followed the surly SEAL’s orders.

Thankfully, the guy kept quiet and let Adrian take the bartender for a spin.

He started a countdown in his head. Three…two…

“Listen, man.” Slay raised his hands palms up. “I’m sorry some guy dosed your girl, but I had nothing to do with it.”


Moving hell fast, Adrian reached out and grabbed the front of Slay’s t-shirt. Pulling the scrawny asshat toward him, he didn’t stop until the guy’s body was halfway across the bar.

“Hey!” The shithead’s eyes grew wide as he tried breaking the hold Adrian had on him. “What the hell, man?”

From beside him, he heard Gabe mutter a low curse followed by a resigned, “Here we go.”

Getting right in the shithead’s face, Adrian released only a fraction of the anger he felt.

“Give me a fucking name!” The order came out as an echoing growl.

“I told you, I don’t know anythin—”

Using his free hand, Adrian grabbed the hair on the back of Slay’s head and slammed the man’s face against the top of the bar. The telltale sound of bones crunching was music to Adrian’s ears.

“Motherfucker! You broke my damn nose!”

“Really?” Gabe’s expression was deadpan.

Adrian’s brow arched high. “You want to play nice, or do you want to find Jenna?”

The Bravo leader took all of one second to consider the question before motioning for him to continue his interrogation.

That’s what I thought.

With his fist still full of Slay’s hair, Adrian held the asshole steady. Leaning in real close, he made sure the fuckwad heard him loud and clear.

“Listen up, Slay. I’m going to ask you a few simple questions, and you’re going to answer them truthfully. For every lie you tell, I’ll break another bone. And I’ll keep breaking bones until you’re lying on that sticky ass floor of yours with your skeleton shattered into so many pieces, they’ll have to scoop you up with a fucking spatula. Clear enough?”

“Y-yeah.” Slay gave a jerky nod. “Whatever you say, man.”

Watching the guy’s left eye very closely, he asked, “Did you put the Ketamine in the lady’s drink. Yes or no?”


And there it was. The twitch.

Tsk, tsk.

Releasing Slay’s shirt, Adrian grabbed the lying bastard’s left pinky and yanked it to the side until he felt a pop.

“Ah!” The dumbass yelled as he tried to pull himself free. “You crazy motherfucker!”

Blood and spit spewed from his mouth and nose, landing on the smooth and shiny countertop.

“Let’s try this again, shall we?” Adrian curled his lips into a sinister smile. “Did you put the drugs in the pretty redhead’s drink? Yes. Or. No?”

When Slay hesitated to answer, Adrian went for the ring finger. He had his hand wrapped around the digit and was just about to yank on it when Slay finally came to his senses and confessed.

“Yes, okay?” The pathetic jerk damn near cried. “I was the one who put the drugs in your girlfriend’s drink. Jesus!”

The hold Adrian had on the finger loosened, but he didn’t let go entirely. “Why?”

“The guy paid me a grand. A grand! I mean, what the hell did you expect me to do? That’s more than I clear in a fucking week.”

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