Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,63

kill him. Do. Not. Kill. Him.

“The man who paid you.” Adrian kept his voice steady. “What’s his name?”

“I can’t. Please!” Slay begged. “The guy will kill me. Literally. Dude’s got mad connections.”

That finger snapped.

“Fuck!” Slay screamed again. “Ah, Jesus!”

He turned fifty shades of green, and unless Adrian’s nose was mistaken, the mouthy prick had just pissed his pants.

Any other time, he would’ve loved to have wasted a few minutes giving the guy shit about it. Not today. Today, every single minute counted.

Because every minute he spent not knowing where Jenna was or if she was okay was a minute of pure hell.

“Name,” Adrian growled. “Now.”

“Slay, buddy.” Gabe hopped on board the not-fucking-around train. “I’ve seen what this asshole’s capable of. You keep holding out on us, you’d better believe he’ll break you. Every. Fucking. Bone.”

Done waiting, Adrian made a play for Slay’s middle finger, but the guy finally caved.

“Wait!” Slay’s face grew even more pale as he spoke through his pain. “Name’s…Amanté…Perez.”

The guy’s name is the Spanish word for lover?

Rolling his eyes, Adrian asked, “Where can we find this Amanté?”

“I don’t know.”

He squeezed Slay’s middle finger.

“I swear! I don’t know!” The man’s entire body shook with pain and fear.

“What do you think?” Adrian looked to Gabe. “You believe him?”

“Please.” Slay was crying now. Actual fucking tears. “I’m telling you the truth! All I know is Amanté comes in here sometimes. He picks a chick…uh…lady he likes. Buys her a…drink. They dance…end up leaving…together. Except your…girlfriend. She left with…another woman.”


Gabe studied the man for a beat longer before nodding. “Yeah. I think his sorry ass is telling the truth.”

Adrian released Slay’s hair but kept his hold on the guy’s middle finger.

“I am!” More blood ran from Slay’s nose as he straightened himself up. It covered his lips and dripped off his chin, down onto the front of his shirt. “I swear.”

“Okay.” Adrian nodded. “I believe you, too.”

Slay’s tense shoulders sagged with relief. A second later, his middle finger snapped in two.

The guy screamed and cried some more as he used his right hand to hold the mangled one to his chest. “You said you believed me!”

“I do.” Adrian took a step back.

“Then what the hell was that for?”

“Being a lowlife piece of dog shit who thought it was okay to put fucking date rape drugs into my woman’s—into any woman’s—drink.”

Then, Adrian looked at Gabe and held out his hand. “Give me your gun.”

“Ah, God. Please. Don’t kill me. Please!”

“Would you relax?” Adrian shot Slay a look. “I’m not going to kill you.” He turned back to Gabe and wiggled his fingers. “I’m not. I promise.”

With obvious reservation, Gabe reached behind his back and pulled his pistol from his waistband. He smacked the gun into Adrian’s outstretched palm.

“Thanks.” Adrian smiled. He then aimed the weapon at the mirror behind Slay and pulled the trigger.

Once. Twice. Three times.

Slay screamed and ducked his head, covering it as best he could with his hands. Shards of the reflective glass shattered and fell all around him.

“That was a warning.” Adrian handed the weapon back to Gabe and waited for the idiot bartender to look at him again.

When he did, Adrian very calmly said, “Something you should know about me, Slay. I, too, have ‘mad connections’. If I ever hear of you putting anything stronger than alcohol into another woman’s drink again, I’ll come back. And next time, I won’t bother with questions or broken bones. I’ll just put a fucking hole through that dense skull of yours and be done. Understood?”

“Y-yes.” Slay nodded.

“Good.” He smiled. Nodding toward the bloody mess on the bar and the piss and glass on the floor, he added, “Might want to clean that up. You’ll be opening, soon.”

Not waiting for Gabe, Adrian grabbed his crutches and started for the door. Before leaving, he stopped long enough to say, “Oh, and Slay? Find another nickname for yourself. One that’s not so fucking ridiculous.”

Once they were both back in the SUV, Gabe turned to him and shook his head.


“You feel better?”

“No, actually.” Adrian answered honestly. “I won’t feel better until we find Jenna and I know she’s okay.”

Staring at him with an assessing glance, the man’s lips almost curved into a ghost of a smile. Almost.

“You really care about her, don’t you?”

Adrian nodded and told the man, “More than you know.”

Chapter 13

“What the fuck?” Adrian took off his ski mask and stared at Amanté Perez.

After leaving their new buddy Slay, Gabe called Nate and asked him to find Perez’s LKA, or last known Copyright 2016 - 2024