Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,61

dug his key fob from his pocket and unlocked one of the two SUVs. “See you boys then.”

The afternoon traffic was heavier than normal, so it took several minutes to cover the few miles to the club. It was still early, and Adrian wasn’t sure anyone would be there. But it didn’t matter.

He was more than happy to wait.

“I get that you and Jenna are…whatever it is you are.” Gabe slid him a sideways glance as he pulled up to the curb and shoved the vehicle into park. “But I care about her, too. A lot.”


Shifting in his seat, the man’s eyes locked on his. “This isn’t just a job for me, either. But since it’s now become an official Bravo Team op, I will be taking point.”

“So…what does that make me? A silent partner?”

Gabe smiled. “Good. Glad we understand each other.”

“I’m not allowed to talk to the guy?” Adrian brought his brows together. “Then what the fuck am I supposed to do?”

“What you do best.” Gabe unbuckled his seatbelt and climbed out. “Stand there and look pretty.”

Flipping his new partner the bird, Adrian moved more clumsily than usual as he got out of his side and slammed the passenger door shut. Grabbing the crutches from the back seat, he caught up to Gabe in a flash.

He’d play the part and let the big bad SEAL take the lead. For now. He just hoped Gabe understood he wasn’t leaving here until he had the answers they needed.

Gabe pulled on the door to the club’s entrance, pleased to find it already unlocked. The two men walked inside to find the place dimly lit with music playing in the background.

“Well, someone’s here,” Adrian mumbled as they made their way up to the bar.

“Let’s just hope it’s the same prick from the night you and Jenna were here.”

Three seconds later, the prick in question came strolling in from the back. Singing along to the music, he carried a plastic crate filled with what appeared to be freshly washed glasses.

The guy nearly tripped over his own two feet when he spotted them.

“That’s him,” Adrian whispered under his breath.

“Uh…hey, guys,” the bartender from the other night greeted them. “We don’t open for another two hours, but feel free to come back later—”

“That’s okay.” Adrian grinned. “We don’t plan on staying.”

With a what-the-fuck scowl, Gabe wordlessly reminded him of the whole silent partner thing.

Silent. Right. Gotcha.

“Actually, Mr….”

“Slay.” The guy set the glasses down onto the counter behind the bar. “You know, because I slay the ladies.”

Oh, good lord.

“Okay, Slay.” Gabe gave the man a friendly smile. “We have some questions about something that happened here a couple of nights ago. A young woman you served was drugged and then nearly abducted after she left your club. You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?”

Slay’s left eye twitched ever so slightly. A tell most people would’ve missed.

Adrian wasn’t most people.

“Really?” The guy started taking the glasses from the crate and stacking them on one of the lower shelves on the back wall. “Man, that sucks. But to be honest, this place is jam packed most nights, so it’s not like I can keep an eye on everyone all the time.”

“This woman look familiar to you?” Gabe held up his phone for Slay to see. “She came in here with three other women. They’re nurses at the hospital here in town.”

Adrian’s heart stammered against his ribs as he took in Gabe’s picture of Jenna. She was with Ellena, and the two women were smiling wide.

I’ll find you, baby. Swear to God, I will.

While his eyes were glued to her gorgeous face, Slay barely gave the phone a passing glance. “Nah, man. Like I said, we’re crazy busy.”

Adrian’s back teeth ground together as his fists flexed against the padded hand grips. Gabe had about five seconds to get the guy talking before this ‘silent partner’ stepped in.

“Do yourself a favor and take another look.” Gabe’s voice had dropped to a level that caught the asshole’s attention.

With an exhale that made Adrian want to throat punch the little fucker, Slay stopped what he was doing and looked at the phone again.

“Nope. Sorry.” He looked up at Gabe. “I don’t recognize her.”

“You sure about that?” Adrian dropped the silent act.

Slay looked up at him and blinked, almost as if he’d forgotten he was even there.

That’s right, asshole. Take a good, hard look.

“I just told you I don’t know that chick.”

Remember, Walker. Dead men can’t answer questions.

“That chick has a name, asshole” Copyright 2016 - 2024