Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,60

burst sporadically as a crime tech took photos of everything in sight. The garage, the car…Ben.

Adrian stood there, his mind filling with questions no one had the answers to.

Who did this?


Where’s Jenna?

Had she been sitting next to Ben when he’d been shot?

Did the bastard who did this hurt her, too?

The idea of her being touched by this level of violence—again— left Adrian feeling sick to his soul.

“At least we know she’s still alive,” Gabe commented, pulling him out of his thoughts.

He understood where the man’s certainty came from. If they wanted Jenna dead, they would’ve left her here with Ben.

“I’m going to find her.” Adrian brought his deadly gaze to Gabe’s. “And then I’m going to kill the person who took her.”

Gabe stared back at him. The cold calculated look in the man’s eyes telling Adrian all he needed to know.

Despite all the shit from their past, the former SEAL had his back on this. And, though part of him hated to admit it, Adrian knew the entire Bravo Team did, as well.

“We have to start over,” Gabe stated matter-of-factly. “Go back to the beginning, where everything first started.”

“The club.” Adrian swallowed the knot in his throat and got his head in the game. “Jenna and I…” He cleared the emotions from his throat. “We were headed there when I got shot.”

“We’ll go there, now. Together.”

The two men shared a look before Adrian nodded. “Together.”

And just like that, the two men put their differences aside for a common cause.

Following Gabe out of the garage and down the driveway to the twin SUV’s Gabe had procured for his team, the formidable man motioned for the others to join them.

Once everyone was there, Gabe quickly explained the new plan.

“Chief Campillo’s murder confirms our suspicions. Jenna Shaw is now officially considered to be the victim of a violent abduction. As you know, she’s like family to me.” He glanced at Adrian. “To us. Now, Campillo’s body gives us a starting point, but we need to go back over every single detail, from the beginning.”

Jenna wasn’t like his family. She was his family.

Even if she doesn’t know it yet.

Kole gave his leader a nod. “Whatever you need, Boss.”

“Jameson’s right.” Matt spoke up next. Then, in a shocking turn of events, he looked right at Adrian and said, “Anything you need.”

Well, I’ll be damned. The devil must be sitting on a throne of fucking ice for this shit to be happening.

Adrian didn’t know if Hell really had frozen over or if he’d somehow stumbled into an alternate reality. Either way, Ben was dead, and whoever killed him had taken Jenna.

Finding her was priority fucking one. If that meant playing nice with Bravo Team, so be it.

“There are only two ways in and out of this neighborhood. The street we came in on and another road east of that entrance.” He looked at Nate. “Can you go back through the CCTV footage from where those two streets connect with the main road? Look at the vehicles that entered and left the day this all went down?”

Nate tipped his chin. “I’ll start at the beginning of the day, too. When I was looking before, I focused on the time frame starting from when we knew Campillo and Jenna had entered the neighborhood. There were other vehicles that came in and out during that time, but our focus was on Campillo’s car.”

Adrian agreed. “If you go from earlier in the day, you may see someone else entering that looks suspicious.”

“Plus”—Nate continued on—“since we now know for sure the chief didn’t drive himself and Jenna out of there, I’ll know to focus on the other drivers more closely.”


“Walker and I are going to go to the club where Jenna was drugged. Talk to the bartender and staff. See if we can pull anything from them. If the incident from that night is connected to this, and it’s too damn big of a coincidence for it not to be, that means this whole thing started there.”

“What do you want the rest of us to do?” Matt asked.

“Go to the hospital. Talk with anyone who worked with Jenna this past week. Maybe one of them heard or saw something that stands out.”

“Roger that.” Matt glanced at his watch. “Want to meet back at the hotel in say, two hours?”

“Make it three,” Adrian answered for Gabe. “I want to go back to Jenna’s hotel and see if the staff there noticed anyone suspicious hanging around.”

“Three hours. Got it.” Nate tipped his chin

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