Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,59

your fucking problem, Walker?”

“My problem is we’re standing around here with our heads up our asses while Jenna’s going through only God knows what!” Adrian’s voice boomed inside the open space. “She’s out there somewhere, terrified and alone. She probably thinks no one is coming for her, and the truth is, we’re not because we don’t even know where to fucking start!”

“You mean ‘they’, right?” Zade King—one of Bravo’s designated snipers—looked over at him from his seat across from Nate. Always the boy scout of the group, the former SEAL was calm, his voice low and steady.

“What?” Adrian snapped back.

“You said she’s out there somewhere,” Zade clarified. “That she probably thinks no one is coming for her. But I’m sure you meant to say ‘they’, since both Jenna and Chief Campillo are missing.”

Who the fuck is this guy, the grammar police?

“Unless, of course, there’s a reason he’s more focused on Jenna than Ben,” Kole Jameson, Bravo’s lead sniper joined in on the fun from across the room.

“You know”—Matt spoke up again—“now that you mention it, Walker did specifically ask about Jenna the second he got here. And is it just me, or did he used to be a lot less uptight?”

Adrian’s knuckles became white as he gripped the crutches’ small, padded bars tightly.

See? This is why I work alone. I fucking hate people.

“I’m just as worried about Ben, too, assholes,” he spouted off the half-truth. “I only asked about Jenna first because she’s—”


“Yours?” The corner of Nate’s smartass mouth lifted as if he could read Adrian’s mind.

Adrian was about to tell the computer genius where he could shove his laptop when Gabe stepped forward, putting an end to the juvenile pissing match.

“Enough!” Gabe’s voice echoed off the expensive walls. “We have two people missing with no leads as to what happened to them or where they could be. What we don’t have is time to waste on this dick measuring bullshit. So put ’em away and get your asses focused on what’s important. Understood?”

“Copy that, Boss.” Nate went back to clicking on his keyboard.

The other Bravo men mumbled and nodded as they went back to whatever they were doing before he and Gabe arrived.

Adrian glanced around the room, the dread he’d felt before growing exponentially with every second that passed. Despite his sarcastic remarks, he knew deep down there was no other team he’d rather have working this case.

If these guys can’t find her…

Gabe’s phone rang. Every man in the room stopped and waited while he answered the call.

“Dawson.” He listened a beat before sliding his unreadable gray eyes to Adrian’s. “Where?” Letting out a low curse, he said, “We’re on our way.”

“What is it?” Adrian moved a step closer. “Did they find them?”

Gabe’s expression was grim. “They found Ben.”

Fifteen minutes later, Adrian was in some poor sucker’s garage, staring at the body of a man he’d considered a friend. Someone had shot Ben in the temple at point blank range, and Jenna was nowhere to be seen.

Please let her be okay.

“He was executed,” Adrian mumbled.

Beside him, Gabe nodded. “This was a professional hit. He was either in on it, or he was somehow lured here. Either way, Campillo pulls the car in, and then…”

The man’s voice trailed off because really, there was no need to finish that sentence. Adrian understood perfectly.

They all did.

For whatever reason, Ben drove them here, was shot and killed, and Jenna had been taken elsewhere.

“Explains why no one saw his car leave the area,” Matt commented.

He was right. The police and Bravo Team had all been around the neighborhood talking with residents about what they’d seen or hadn’t seen. Because this was a dead-end street, and the only two houses on it were empty, no one had bothered looking here before now.

According to Gabe’s contact within the department, the only reason they looked today was because some woman who’d been out walking her dog earlier had called it in.

Apparently, the dog was an overly large Goldendoodle, and the pet had all but pulled his owner toward the garage to investigate a scent he’d picked up. The woman then smelled it, too, and reported the strange smell coming from the house.

With fear turning his blood cold, Adrian studied the activity around them. Cops were everywhere. Some appeared to be frantic. Some sad.

Most were pissed that one of their own—their chief—had gone out in such a horrific way. Other officers and crime scene investigators bustled about as they tried piecing together the man’s final moments.

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