Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,58

Matais.” Sebastian looked genuinely humbled. “That means a great deal to me. And yes, I remember what it was like. Your father was a great man, as are you. He would be very proud of the way you’ve rebuilt what he worked so hard for.”

Matais had no illusions to the kind of man his father was. Many called him evil. Monstrous. A ruthless drug and weapons dealer, as well as a seller of women and killer of men.

Cesar Ortiz was all those things, but he was also a brilliant businessman and charismatic leader. A loving father and husband who provided for both him and Matais’ mother, may she rest in peace.

“Walker’s death will be a defining moment for us both.” Matais held out his hand.

The other man shook it with earnest. “I’m honored to be a part of it.”

“And Garcia? How is he fairing?”

Garcia had taken one of Walker’s bullets during his and Sebastian’s first attempt at acquiring Jenna Shaw.

“His leg is still healing, but he will do what needs to be done.”

Matais nodded. “I can imagine putting a bullet in Walker’s leg was quite satisfying for him. Eye for an eye and all that.”

Sebastian smirked. “It was.”

“Good.” Matais nodded. “He earned that moment and will be hailed for it.”

“I’ll let him know, Boss.”

“Be sure that you do. Now, go. We have much to do in anticipation of our next guest.”

With a wicked grin, Sebastian left the office to make preparations. Matais found himself smiling at the thought of Adrian Walker finding the gift that had been left for him.

It’s all coming together, Papa. You will finally have justice soon. Very, very soon.

The day Walker murdered his father was the day Matais had begun to plan.

The first step in that plan was to rebuild all that his family had lost. Denying his primal need for revenge wasn’t easy, but as he’d heard his father say many times over the years…

That which we need most is always worth the wait.

There had been days Matais had questioned his father’s insight. Days when the doubt crept in and defeat threatened to take over. More than any other, those were the days he called upon his father’s spirit for guidance.

Now, after years of pain, sweat, and tears, the time had come. The agonizing wait was finally over, and Matais was finally going to show those who still questioned his ability to lead in his father’s shadow exactly what he was capable of.

He was every bit the leader his father was. And he would prove this—to those who doubted and to himself—by taking down the most feared hitman in existence.

Enjoy the breaths you are taking now, Walker. Because soon…very soon…you’ll be taking your last.

Chapter 12

“I thought you guys were supposed to be the best of the best.”

Standing just inside Gabe’s hotel room—or suite, rather—Adrian put most of his weight on the set of metal crutches the doctor had insisted he take with him. His angry glare reached all five members of Bravo Team.

With an arched brow, Nate Carter stared up at him from over the top of his computer. “And I thought you were supposed to be in the hospital.”

“I signed myself out so I could be out there, looking for Jenna and Ben. Not sitting on my ass in some swanky hotel room with you.”

“Guess it’s a good thing you’re standing then, huh?” Matt Turner, Bravo Team’s medic smirked.

Years ago, back before the CIA and Homeland recruited Adrian to work deep cover, he and Matt had served on the same Marine anti-terrorism unit. The guy was as solid as they came, and he now knew the truth about the whys and hows of Adrian’s so-called desertion.

But there was a slight chance Matt was still pissed about the fact that, during one of his government-sanctioned ops, Adrian had kidnapped the woman who was now Turner’s wife.


They’d ironed all that shit out once, already. Adrian was not in the mood to do it a second time.

“You got a problem with my being here, Turner?” He faced off with the Bravo operative. “If so, say the word, and I’ll go find them on my own.”

“Oh, give it a rest, would ya?” Matt put his hands on his hips and scowled. “I thought we cleared the air like three months ago.”

Adrian shrugged. “I thought so, too.”

“Well, if anyone has the right to still hold a grudge, here, it’s definitely not your sorry ass.”

“I’m not holding a goddamn grudge, Turner!” He hauled himself over to the other man.

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