Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,57

if not for Adrian, she would’ve been abducted that night, too.

Maybe that’s what this was all about. Maybe…maybe she’d been targeted as part of some horrible sex trafficking ring.

Wouldn’t there be other women here if that were the case?

Possibly. Or maybe this was what they did. Their attempt to ‘break’ the women they took before selling them.

That was the whole reason Jenna had talked Adrian into staying in town to begin with. She feared Stella Gallagher was being held somewhere against her will for that exact reason.

Someplace just like this.

Her stomach turned with the fleeting thought that Stella may have been brought here, to this exact place.

Oh, god.

A wave of helplessness and exhaustion struck simultaneously, and Jenna no longer had the strength to sit up. Ignoring the stinging in her wrists, she shifted her body in order to position herself onto her side.

Resting her head against the concrete floor, she laid in her cold, black prison. Jenna let her heavy lids fall shut.

As the darkness pulled her under, she thought of how upset Adrian would be, knowing she was gone. Her heart broke for him, knowing he’d be out of his mind with worry. And she worried for him. Because as soon as he was physically able, he would start looking for her.

Jenna just prayed he found her before it was too late. For both their sakes.

“Bitch refuses to eat.”

Matais looked up from his computer to address the man who’d just entered his office. Sebastian had been a part of the empire Cesar Ortiz—Matais’ father—had built.

The same empire Adrian Walker singlehandedly destroyed.

“Ms. Shaw does not trust us.” Matais stood and walked around what used to be his father’s desk. “Can you blame her?”

The other man’s square jaw clenched with anger. “She doesn’t need to trust us. She needs to do what she is told.”

“I understand your frustration, my friend.” Matais rested his hand on his confidant’s strong shoulder. “But we’ve come too far to let impatience get in the way of our plan.”

“And what is the plan, Matais?” Sebastian asked boldly.

Not many men would have the balls to question him in such a manner. But Matais let it slide, because it was Sebastian. And because…

The woman will die, regardless.

“You’re right.” Matais let his lips curve upward. “The time has come. I trust you had no issues in delivering the package?”

“Left it in the middle of the bed, just as you instructed.”

“Wonderful.” He nodded. “I heard from my source within the hospital just before you walked in.”


“They informed me Walker is leaving early, against the doctor’s recommendation. Just as I suspected he would.”

Something else Matais learned from his father…you can never have too many eyes and ears working for you.

“I assume Walker’s aware of Ms. Shaw’s disappearance?” Sebastian inquired.

“He is. Authorities are searching for both her and Chief Campillo as we speak.” Matais rubbed the stubble on his chin. “There is one possible complication we need to be prepared for.”

“What is that?”

“There are other men in town. A group of former military operatives who now work for the private sector, though I’ve been told they take on government contracts, as well. Company called R.I.S.C.”

Sebastian frowned. “What interest do they have in this?”

“According to my source, the leader of the team is a man named Gabe Dawson. He’s in Walker’s hospital room right now.”

The other man blinked. “Walker is a known assassin. Why would this team be working with him? Are they mercenaries?”

“I haven’t had time to research them yet. But my source informed me that Walker is getting ready to leave the hospital with Dawson. And he’s out for blood.”

“Which means, he’ll have backup.”

Matais tipped his chin. “If he doesn’t follow our instructions, yes.”

“I’ll make sure the others are ready, just in case.”

“Be sure that you do. When you’ve briefed them on the situation, find Garcia and get everything set up like we discussed. Let me know when you are ready.”

“Yes, sir.” The man’s cold eyes lit with anticipation as he turned to leave.

Matais stopped him just shy of the doorway. “Do you remember what it was like?”

Sebastian faced him with a questioning glance. “Boss?”

“When my father was still here.” He slid his hands into the pockets of his designer dress pants. “Your time with him was quite limited, but he mentioned your name on more than one occasion. He was impressed with the work you had done for him up to that point. Your loyalty and sense of honor within the organization are the reason you are here now.”

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