Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,56

the tray in the man’s hands and licked her dry lips. “I meant, what do you want with me?”

“Right now?” He tossed the tray down onto the floor near her feet. “I want you to eat.”

The paper plate filled with rice and some sort of seasoned meat bounced, causing half of the food to fly off the tray and onto the concrete. The plastic water bottle that had been next to it tipped and rolled onto its side.

Her stomach hurt with hunger, and God she was so thirsty. But she had no way of knowing if any of it had been drugged.

Not willing to risk it, she looked away from the temptation.

“Eat,” the man growled.

Jenna brought her gaze back up to his. “Tell me why I’m here.”

Cursing, the man squatted down in front of her. Using his fingers, he scooped up some of the rice and meat and shoved it into his mouth. A few grains of rice stuck to his lips and chin as he chewed in a way that made her stomach churn.


“You and your friend killed a man in front of me, kidnapped and drugged me, and then left me down here like a damn prisoner. Satisfied isn’t quite the word I’d use.”

He stood and nudged the tray with his foot. “Matais says eat, you eat.”

Stubbornness, combined with a refusal to give this man even an inkling of pleasure, had Jenna jutting her chin. “Matais can go to hell.”

With a snarl, he shook his head and hovered over her. “You have no idea what kind of man he is. What he’s capable of.”

“You’re right.” Jenna worked her parched throat. “I don’t know, because this so-called boss of yours has yet to make an appearance.” She swallowed again. “That tells me he either doesn’t exist…or he doesn’t have the balls to show his face.”

Okay, so maybe poking the bear wasn’t the brightest idea she’d ever had. But Jenna was just so tired.

Tired of sitting in the dark. Tired of breathing in dry, musty, dirty air. Tired of being terrified that, at any moment, they would come in here and put a bullet in her like they did Ben.

And that would be it.

No more life.

No chance to do all the things she still wanted to do.

And worst of all…no more Adrian.

Moving much faster than she would’ve expected for a man of his large size and build, the bastard grabbed the chain connected to the handcuffs and jerked her forward.

Reaching behind him, he picked up some of the food that had fallen onto the floor. Releasing the chain, he wrapped that hand around her chin and squeezed.

Jenna cried out, his painful grip making it feel as though her jaw was about to break. His strong hold forced her mouth to remain open while he shoved the rice and meat between her lips.

She attempted to spit it out, but the man used both hands to clamp her mouth shut. With no other choice, Jenna swallowed the food to avoid choking.

Giving her face a rough shove, the man let her go long enough to grab the water bottle and open the plastic lid. Though she tried to avoid it, the man held her jaw like before, forcing the water to fill her mouth and throat.

Unable to drink it all at once, Jenna coughed and sputtered, the excess liquid spilling out over her chin and dripping onto the concrete below.

“There. Was that so hard?” The man threw the bottle to the side and stood.

“Fuck…you,” Jenna spoke between coughing fits.

“Maybe later.” The asshole chuckled as he turned and walked away. “For now, you need to eat so you have energy for what is about to come.”

That didn’t sound good. Not good at all.

“Wait!” Jenna yelled, although in her weakened state it sounded more like a whimper. “What do you want from me? Why am I here?”

He disappeared into the shadows.

A second later, she heard the door slam shut. Leaving her trapped in her own personal hell, alone and frightened.

Tears burned the corners of Jenna’s eyes, but her body was too depleted for them to fall. Fear and frustration had her pulling wildly against her restraints again. She screamed to the point her voice broke, and her throat burned.

Was this their plan? Where they just going to leave her here to starve and go mad because she’d cared enough about a missing girl to ask questions?

Or could this be about something else? Something she wasn’t seeing.

Jenna thought about the club. How she’d been drugged, and Copyright 2016 - 2024