Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,55

you want, but like it or not, she’s mine. Way I see it, we can either work together on this, or I can do it on my own. Either way, I will find her, and I will bring her home.”

“Or die trying?” Gabe’s quip held a sarcastic tone.

The joke was on him when Adrian stared back and vowed, “Or die trying.”

Chapter 11

Jenna woke with a start. She’d been dreaming of Adrian. They were together, and he was laughing. In her dream, he’d told her he loved her. He was about to kiss her when something ripped her from the blissful, unconscious state.

She waited in the dark, listening closely to try to figure out what it was. At first, the only sound filling her ears was that of her own, terrified heartbeat. But then she heard it again…a slight shuffle across the concrete floor.

Someone’s coming!

On instinct, Jenna tried sitting up in case she needed to defend herself, but the nausea and dizziness made her regret the decision instantly.

You’re handcuffed and weak as hell. What exactly did you think you were gonna do?

She squeezed her eyes shut, the metal cuffs biting into her tender wrists every time she tried shifting positions. They were wrapped around an old, metal pole. One that she’d tried—and failed—to pull and kick free.

But the damn thing wouldn’t budge.

The only thing she did manage to accomplish at all during her meager attempts to break free was to cut open the skin at her wrists.

At one point, Jenna had gotten so desperate to escape, she’d purposely continued with her futile efforts in hopes that the blood would allow her hands to slip free.

It didn’t work.

She lost track of time a while ago, finally giving up on even trying to figure out how long she’d been here. She’d also stopped screaming for help.

No one had come for her. There’d been no interrogation or demands. Nothing but the cold, musty darkness she’d been tossed into and then forgotten.

After murdering Ben in cold blood, the man had who’d been sitting next to her in the SUV had waited a few blocks before shoving a needle into the side of her neck. At the time, Jenna had been so lost in her thoughts about Adrian, she hadn’t seen the syringe until it was too late.

Sometime later, Jenna had woken up here, in what she assumed was a basement. Thanks to whatever drugs they’d put into her system, she’d had a massive headache and the worst case of cotton mouth she’d ever had.

There’d been no food or water. No explanation as to where she was or why she was here. The only light in the entire place was from a small, rectangle window on the wall to her right. One too high and much too small for her to even consider escaping through.

Jenna closed her eyes and breathed through the nausea. She was bone tired and severely dehydrated.

She was also terrified.

Over the course of her time here, the same two questions had replayed over and over again through her mind. She wondered if Ben’s body had been found yet, and whether or not anyone was out there, looking for her.

I promise, if you went missing, I’d move heaven and earth to find you.

Adrian’s promise had been a constant presence in her thoughts. She knew he’d meant every heartfelt word, but he’d also been shot. Was probably still in the hospital, recovering from his injury.

Even if he wanted to look for her—and she had to believe he did—chances were, he couldn’t.

Jenna thought about Gabe and Ellena. They, too, would eventually figure out she was missing. When they did, Jenna had no doubt he and the rest of Bravo would begin their search.

Unfortunately for her, by the time that happened, Jenna had no idea where she’d be. Or if she’d even be alive.

“You’re awake.”

Her body jerked at the sound of the unexpected voice. Jenna looked up as the man who’d drugged her moved out of the shadows to come closer.

Reflexively, she shrank back as far as she could, her back hitting the cool, cinder block wall behind her. Fresh blood seeped from the cuts on her wrists as she pulled the cuffs to their limit.

“W-what do you want?” she croaked. Her throat was dry and scratchy from her earlier screams and the lack of water.

“Matais thought you might be hungry.”

It’s been two days since I had anything to eat, moron. Of course, I’m freaking hungry.

But information was more important to her than food, so Jenna ignored Copyright 2016 - 2024