Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,26

them why they need to be so careful when they’re out in this city.”

“I already told them—”

“You didn’t tell us anything,” Jenna chimed in again. “You went over the rules with us, but you never once mentioned anything about the two nurses who went missing less than two weeks before we arrived here. Nurses who worked for you. Instead, you swept it all under the rug. Just like the fact that you’re not actually a nurse anymore.”

Adrian was relieved to see Jenna’s fire return. Taylore, on the other hand, was getting more nervous by the minute.

She licked her lips nervously as she tried weaseling her way out of the situation. “If word gets out about those nurses, the media will pick it up. Saje will most likely go out of business, and all those good nurses and other staff members will be left without jobs. Do you really want to be responsible for taking away a steady paycheck from those people, Jenna?”

“Oh, cut the crap, lady.” Adrian crossed his arms at his chest. “I’ve seen you around. How you treat everyone here. You don’t give a shit about your staff. All you care about is keeping up appearances. That and making sure your dirty little secret stays hidden.”

“That’s not true.”

“But you’re right about the media.” He ignored her denial and continued on. “If they catch wind about what happened to those two women…and Jenna and Marie…they’ll dig into your company until they find something juicy to report. Something like, say, a boss with a felony record who lied to get the job and the uncle who helped cover it up. Can’t really blame them.” Adrian shrugged. “It’s what they do.”

“Please,” Taylore begged. “There has to be something we can work out.”

Got ya.

“Jenna gets to resign with absolutely no ramification from you or Saje Staffing. As of this second, her contract with you is null and void, and Saje Staffing cannot come after her in any way.”

“Fine,” the begrudging woman agreed. “Whatever.”

“That’s not all.” Adrian kept going. “Jenna will also get a glowing letter of recommendation written by you. It will be certified and mailed to her home address. Anyone ever calls you for a reference, you’ll tell them what an outstanding nurse Jenna is. Period.”

Having been watching over her this past week, he’d seen Jenna in action enough times to know she was an incredible nurse. Adrian had loved how focused and dedicated she was. To both her patients and the job in general.

“Is that all?” Taylore asked, chomping at the bit to leave.

“No.” Adrian shook his head curtly. With a sliding glance in Jenna’s direction, he told Taylore, “Be nicer to your staff. And be consistent. No more of this Jekyll and Hyde bullshit.”

Jenna’s tiny cough left his lips twitching.

“Fine.” Taylore exhaled loudly. Straightening her spine, she looked at Jenna and nodded. “I’ll type up the letter of recommendation and have it in the mail today. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a staff meeting to arrange.”

And with that, the pathetic woman left the room.

“I can’t believe you just did that.” Jenna stared up at him.

“It needed to be done.” He slowly sauntered back over to where she lay, his eyes remaining locked with hers the entire time. When he made it to the head of the bed, he leaned down, caging her in with a hand on each side of her head and whispered, “So does this.”

“What are y—”

Pressing his mouth to hers, the kiss he gave Jenna was soft and deep. His selfish need to feel her again…to taste her and remind himself that she really was okay…taking precedence over anything and everything else.

And hallafreakinglueah, she actually kissed him back.

Chapter 5

Jenna swiped her palm across the bathroom mirror, watching as tiny droplets of condensation fell.

Her gaze lifted to the sad, green eyes staring back at her. Studying her reflection, Jenna took a good, long look at herself for the first time in a while.

She didn’t like what she saw.

“What are you doing?” she whispered. Desperately wishing the woman in the mirror would tell her.

Because she had no freaking idea, anymore.

Jenna thought she did. Thought she was happy with her life. Thought her friends had been wrong to worry. And being her usual, stubborn self, she’d been convinced that coming here was the absolute right choice.

You couldn’t have been more wrong.

The change of scenery was supposed to give her a chance to reset. To mix things up a bit while also evaluating what she really wanted from Copyright 2016 - 2024