Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,25

by Saje Staffing. I suggest you pack your bags and head back to California.”

She started for the door, but Adrian waited until she was reaching for the handle to make his move.

“I’m curious,” he began. “What’s Saje’s policy about hiring convicted felons?”

The hateful woman turned back to him. “Excuse me?”

“You seem well-versed in your company’s dos and don’ts. I’m assuming your knowledge of its hiring polices is just as extensive.”

“Adrian, what are you—”

Taylore cut Jenna’s question off short. “And you are…”

Someone you don’t want to mess with, lady.

“Name’s Walker.” He glanced at the woman lying on the bed, the corner of his mouth twitching with a slight grin. “Jenna’s fiancé.”

The smile tugging at Jenna’s lips sent his heart racing and his dick twitching.

“Well, Mr. Walker. To answer your question, yes. It is my job to be familiar with all Saje Staffing employee policies.”

“Glad to hear it.” Adrian turned back to her, the woman’s annoying voice and condescending tone instantly dousing every drop of arousal he’d just been feeling. “Then you know about the fraudulent information clause.”

“The what?”

“You know, the one stating that any Saje employee found to have falsified any portion of their application and/or verification paperwork will be terminated immediately.”

Taylore frowned, the wrinkles on her forehead deepening with the move. “Of course, but that clause has absolutely nothing to do with Jenna’s situation.”

“Sure doesn’t. However, it does have something to do with you.” He took a step toward the troll.

“Me?” She gasped. “What on earth are you—”

“I did a little light reading while my fiancée was still unconscious.” Damn, he liked the sound of that. Fucking sue me. “I discovered quite a few things about you.” To Jenna, Adrian asked, “Did you know Taylore’s uncle works for Saje?”

Jenna shook her head back and forth.

“Well, he does.” Adrian offered Taylore a sugary-sweet smile. “In fact, he’s the man in charge of running all employee background checks. At first, I thought it was just a coincidence, but then I came across this.” He pulled his phone from his pocket and swiped at the screen a couple of times before holding the phone up for Taylore to see. “I believe that’s you.”

Adrian watched with satisfaction as a slack jawed Taylore stared back at her own mugshot.

All the color drained from the woman’s face. “H-how did…w-where did you…” She was so shocked she couldn’t even formulate a whole sentence.

Damn, this is fun.

“Five years ago, before you started working for Saje, you and your sister spent an evening out on the town. I believe the police report said you’d been celebrating a friend’s birthday? That’s not really important.” He waved it away casually. “The point is, you had a few too many drinks that night but decided to drive home, anyway. That was your first DUI. Your second came six months later, costing you a pretty hefty fine and a handful of days in jail. And your third, well, that one cost you your nursing license.”

“You lied about being a nurse?” Jenna spoke up from her place in the bed.

“Just because I don’t have a piece of paper behind my name doesn’t mean I’m no longer a nurse.”

Jenna looked at the other woman as if she’d lost her damn mind. “Um…actually, that’s exactly what it means. I can’t believe you had the nerve to come in here and lecture me about policies after what you’ve done. Getting your uncle to cover up your arrest record and then posing as a licensed medical professional?”

“The only thing I’ve done is help hospital patients get the care and treatment they deserve.”

Jenna snorted. “Because you can’t give it to them yourself.”

Taylore narrowed her gaze at Jenna then immediately swung her attention back to him. “So, what is this? Are you trying to blackmail me into giving Jenna her job back?”

“Actually, I don’t I want my job back.” Jenna spoke up from the bed. “I’d rather just go home and forget I ever agreed to work for someone like you.”

That’s my girl.

“You are right about one thing, though,” Adrian told Taylore. “I am blackmailing you.”

“For what?” She appeared thoroughly confused. “If you think I’m going to pay you to keep quiet, you’re sorely mistaken.”

He threw his head back and laughed. “Trust me, lady. I’ve seen your financials. Trying to squeeze money outta you would be like trying to get gold from a turd.”

Taylore’s round cheeks blazed with embarrassment. “Then what is it you want?”

“I want you to pull in every member of the staff you still have here—today—explain to Copyright 2016 - 2024