Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,24

the truth or lie?

It would be so easy to lie. To convince her that there was some other reason for his being here. Something other than the fact that his days were filled with thoughts of her, and his nights were consumed with memories of the incredible afternoon they’d shared.

But he didn’t want to lie. Not anymore. Not to her.

Fuck it.

Before he could talk himself out of it, Adrian went to Jenna. He raised a palm to one of her silken cheeks, and he whispered, “I stayed because I was worried about you.”

The greens in her eyes darkened. Her lips parted, and she whispered his name. “Adrian?”

He started to lean in. To taste his new favorite flavor in the whole world. He wanted to hold her in his arms, and he needed to—

Jenna’s doctor chose that moment to barge into the room. “I thought I heard voices coming from in here.”


Despite their unwanted guest, neither Adrian nor Jenna pulled away immediately. Instead, they kept their gazes locked with one another’s. Her staring deep into the depths of his soul. Him wishing like hell he knew what she was thinking.

The man behind him cleared his throat. “I’m Dr. Evans. How are you feeling, Ms. Shaw?”

“Okay.” Jenna broke eye contact to look at the doctor. “Considering.”

Mid-fifties, the balding doctor offered her a warm smile. “You’re a very lucky lady. I assume your fiancé explained what happened?”

Stunned by the man’s comment, Jenna’s round gaze shot back to his. Removing his hand and standing tall, Adrian simply shrugged it off with a look that said just go with it.

“Uh…y-yes,” Jenna returned her focus to the doctor. “He said I was drugged.”

“Ketamine.” The doctor confirmed. “Good for some things, but when used improperly, it can be very dangerous. Unfortunately, we’re seeing more and more instances like yours every year.”

After sliding a sideways glance in Adrian’s direction, Dr. Evans made his way to the opposite side of the bed.

Smart move, Doc.

Pressing a button on the control panel there, he lifted the top half of the bed even more. Removing his stethoscope from his neck, he said, “Let’s see how things sound, shall we? Can you lean forward a little more for me?”

Without asking if she needed the help, Adrian slid a hand behind Jenna’s back. Ignoring the electric pulse radiating from her warm, bare skin where her gown had become separated, he kept her steady while she moved.

“Thanks,” she mumbled softly.

After five minutes of poking and prodding, followed by another five minutes of questions and instructions, Dr. Evans told them Jenna could go home.

“I’ll have the nurse print off your discharge papers.” The older man made his way to the door. “It shouldn’t be long.”

Adrian tipped his head. “Thanks, Doc.”

“Take care of yourself, Miss Shaw. And be careful going out in the city at night. Especially if your fiancé isn’t with you.” He added quickly, “That’s not a sexist remark. Just thirty-two years of experience living and working here.”

With that, the other man waved his hand and left. Jenna looked up at him, an auburn brow arched high.


“It was the only way they’d let me—”

The door opened again.

For the love of…

“Taylore,” Jenna greeted her temporary boss. “I wasn’t sure if you’d come by.”

“Two of my nurses were in an accident while leaving a night club after one of whom—you—was slipped a roofie. Of course, I’m going to come by.”

“That’s kind of you, but I’m fine. Really. And Adrian said Marie’s going to be okay, too.”

“I didn’t come by to check on you, Jenna.” Taylore jutted her chubby chin. “I’m here to inform you that your services with us are no longer needed.”

“You’re firing me?” Jenna’s voice rose an octave. “On what grounds?”

“You knowingly went against company policy. It very clearly states there is to be no alcohol consumption during your three weeks with us.”

“No, it doesn’t,” Jenna spoke with confidence. “It says we’re not supposed to drink while we’re working. We were off the clock.”

Taylore’s thin lips curled into a spiteful smirk. “Even so, you four ladies failed to inform me that you were leaving the hotel. A clear violation of the rules. And as you know, a breach of contract is grounds for termination.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Jenna’s face twisted with a disbelieving scowl. “You’ve seen how busy this place is. Patients were literally lying on beds in the hallways this week because the staff couldn’t keep up.”

As if she hadn’t spoken a word, Taylore—the bitch—said, “Effective immediately, you are no longer employed Copyright 2016 - 2024