Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,27

life. Instead, she’d walked into a nightmare…and right back into Adrian Walker’s arms.

He was still out there, waiting for her on the other side of the bathroom door. So, she was in here, hiding like the coward she was.

Jenna glanced at her reflection once more. Again, she wondered…

What. Are. You. Doing?

She was no closer to finding the answer to that question than she was ten seconds ago. Nor was she any closer to discovering who the real Adrian Walker was.

You know.

Did she? Jenna wasn’t so sure. She wasn’t sure of anything, anymore.

Her phone—the phone she still had because Adrian had thought to grab it and her purse from the back of the cab before heading to the hospital—began to ring.

Glancing at the screen, she saw Elle’s name. Her gut tightened. Did she know what happened to her? Had Adrian snitched to Gabe?

Only one way to find out.

Jenna picked up the phone and answered it. “Hey.”

“Hey yourself. How’s it going?”

She sounded cheery. Cheery was good.

“Good.” Jenna lied. “I’m good. What about you?”

“I’m going crazy. Certifiable, actually. And I’m a psychologist, so I know what that looks like.”

Jenna chuckled. “Gabe driving you nuts?”

“You have no idea. We’ve still been trying to agree on the color for the nursery. I was good with the last attempt, but now he’s changed his mind. Instead of pink, he wants to do the room in camouflage with pink accents. Can you believe that?”

Yes. She could absolutely believe that.

“Between that and him hovering over me like a badass papa bear… Jenna, I swear, I love that man to pieces, but if he doesn’t stop treating me like I’m spun from glass, I’m going to have to take the big guy out.”

Elle obviously didn’t know anything about what happened. If she did, she wouldn’t be talking paint colors or bitching about the husband she loved more than life itself.

“Enough about me.” Her friend’s smile reached her through the phone. “I want to hear about you. How’s the job? This is your day off, isn’t it? I thought that’s what I had written down.”

“Yep, I’m off today.” Not a total lie. “And the job’s…fine.”

Okay, that was a lie. One Jenna felt bad about. But she didn’t want to get into that whole sordid mess. If she told Elle she’d been fired, she’d have to explain why.

And that was the exact conversation she was trying to avoid.

“You, uh…hear anything from Adrian?” Elle tried—and failed—to sound casual.

Ah…the real reason for this little chat.

“He’s with me right now, in fact. Well, I’m in the bathroom. He’s waiting for me. We’re actually about to have dinner.”

Jenna smirked. Let’s see what she thinks about that.

“He’s there? I mean…I-I thought you told him to leave town?”

“I did. He didn’t listen.” Shocker. “But something tells me you already knew that.”

The pause that followed was priceless.

“Okay, fine.” Elle broke like Jenna knew she would. “Gabe told me Adrian was sticking around town.” There was another pause and then, “Are you mad at me?”

“No.” Jenna lowered the toilet seat lid and plopped down with a sigh. “I know Gabe sent him out of love.”

“He does love you,” her friend stated sincerely. “So do I.”

“I know. I love you guys, too.”

“So…dinner, huh?”


“You said you and Adrian were about to have dinner.”

Jenna knew that tone. “It’s not like that.”

Really? Because that kiss he gave you earlier suggests otherwise.

Question was, did she even want to risk letting her guard down with him a second time?

That’s the problem. I don’t know.

“So what is it like?” Elle’s prodding voice tore through her inner thoughts.

Shit. What should she say? That Adrian brought her here from the hospital after he gunned down a guy while saving her life mere hours ago?

No, she wouldn’t—couldn’t—tell her everything. It would only upset her, and Elle needed to stay calm for the baby.

Plus, Jenna would never hear the end of how right she and Gabe were about her not coming here.

She did have to give her something, though…

“I was in an accident.”



“I’m fine,” Jenna rushed to assure her friend. “It was no big deal. Some guy ran a stop sign and hit the cab I was riding in. Adrian was nearby, so he gave me a ride here.”

Only a partial lie, that time.

“Jesus, Jen.” Concern mixed with the relief in Elle’s voice. “I’m so glad you’re okay. And thank goodness Adrian was there!”

“Yeah.” Jenna nodded. “I was pretty lucky.”

Elle waited a beat and then, “So…you’re not mad at him, anymore?”

“Honestly?” She blew out a breath. “I don’t know what Copyright 2016 - 2024