Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,100

were thinking about running off again, I’d have to hunt you down and kill you.”

“You could try.” Adrian turned back around with a smirk. “But you won’t have to. I’ve spent my whole life running, Dawson. I’m ready to slow things down a bit.”

“Just don’t get too slow,” Gabe teased. “After all, Bravo may need a special consult now and again.”

The two men started for the door. “Consult, huh? That mean you’re offering me a job?”

“Fuck no.” Gabe chuckled. “But rumor has it, McQueen might be.”

Adrian didn’t say anything, but he and Jake McQueen—owner and head of R.I.S.C.—had already had a conversation over the phone the other day.

The man had offered him a job working with both Alpha and Bravo teams, as well as consulting on specialized jobs with the security company’s up and coming Charlie and Delta teams.

McQueen had given Adrian time to consider the offer, which was good because he hadn’t mentioned it to Jenna yet, either. Logistically, there was a lot to work out, and she’d been busy planning the wedding.

He’d tell her about the offer soon, but for now, he wanted to focus on the new life they were starting together.

The music began playing, and Adrian knew that was their cue. With one final nod, the two men walked out the door leading to the front of the church.

Standing at the spot he’d been shown during last night’s rehearsal, Adrian watched as Gabe walked away, toward the large double doors at the back of the church.

Jenna’s behind those doors.

Thrown by the flurry of butterflies flapping around inside his gut, he tried—and failed—to force his lungs to breathe normally.

He was a former Marine. A hitman for hire. He’d killed people before, for fuck’s sake. But not one of those things had ever made him feel as nervous as he did in this very moment.

Get a grip, Walker. You’re about to become the luckiest bastard alive.

As usual, the tiny voice in his head was right. For reasons he’d never understand, Adrian had been given a second chance with the only woman he’d ever loved.

Proof that God hadn’t given up on him, after all.

He’d been right there all along. Watching over Adrian and placing him in the exact right place at the exact right time. Just when Jenna had needed him most.

The big man upstairs had also gotten him here, in this exact moment. Waiting to take her hand.

The large doors opened, and Ellena began walking forward. Wrapped snuggly in her arms was the cutest baby girl Adrian had ever seen.

With Elle’s smile and Gabe’s eyes, Adrian couldn’t help but think of how screwed the man was going to be when little Emma was older, and the boys started coming around.

Actually, it was the boys Adrian felt most sorry for. Those poor kids had no idea the level of fatherly wrath that awaited them.

Elle approached the front of the church with their honorary flower girl. She looked up at Adrian and gave him a wide, approving smile before taking her place next to where Jenna would soon stand.

The music changed and the small crowd stood. With his nerves and excitement on point, he glanced around at the people who’d come to witness the special day.

The bride’s side held people Jenna knew from work and a few close friends. Some he’d already met. Some he hadn’t.

The opposite side of the aisle—the groom’s section—held the members of Bravo Team and their significant others, along with Ghost, his wife, and a few other couples from the Delta Force team.

Jake McQueen, his wife, and their daughter had also made the trip for his and Jenna’s big day. So did Jason Ryker. Not surprisingly, the Homeland agent was flying solo.

These were his friends. His adopted family.

With absolutely no reason to, and despite all the shit he’d put them through, this group had taken him in as one of their own. For the first time in his life, Adrian was filled with a sense of acceptance.

As he waited for his bride, Adrian’s gaze fell across the other men and women on his side.

Nate and Gracie sat in the front pew. One of Nate’s arms was wrapped around Gracie’s shoulders, his other hand resting lovingly on his wife’s growing belly.

Next to them were Matt and Katherine. The two couldn’t seem to keep their eyes off of each other, and Adrian understood why. Last month at a Bravo Team barbeque—one Adrian and Jenna had been invited to—Matt had announced that he and Kat were also expecting their Copyright 2016 - 2024