Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,99


Her heart thumped. “As long as it takes, huh?”

Okay, now she did feel a little bad.

“For you? Hell yeah.” Concern marred his beautiful features. “Why? Where were you going when I showed up?”

Jenna smiled. “To find you.”


She nodded. “I knew Nate would find you if I asked. So I was going to fly to Texas, find his place, and wait until he did. Then I was going to hop on a plane to wherever I needed to go in order to find you.”

Her plan clearly amused him. “What would you have done once you did find me?”

“Knock some sense into your stubborn ass.”

“Yeah?” He rolled them over, so he was on top of her. “And if that didn’t work?”

“I was going to kiss some sense into your stubborn ass.” Jenna grabbed his toned cheeks and squeezed.

“That why you put on that sexy as fuck skirt? To seduce me into listening to reason?”

“Did it work?”

He rubbed his hardening cock against her core. “You tell me.”

They both laughed, but Adrian’s smile soon fell as he got serious. “You would’ve gone through all that trouble just to find me?” He seemed genuinely confused. “Why?”

Ah, babe. We still have so much work to do with you, don’t we?

“Why do you think?” Jenna brought a palm to the scruff covering his jaw. “I love you, Adrian Walker. Every single part of you. And if you ever doubt that again, I swear to all that’s holy, I will kick your ass from here to that beach you were hiding out on.”

His gaze narrowed. “How did you know I was on a beach?”

“You sure as heck didn’t get this tan hiding away in a cave.”

He grinned as he leaned down, pressing his lips to hers. His tongue invaded her mouth in the most delicious way imaginable, and when he pulled back, their heavy breaths mingled together as one.

“I love you, Jenna Shaw.” He brushed some hair from her eye and tucked it behind her ear. “And I will keep loving you every day, for as long as I live.”


Six months later…

“Doesn’t matter how long you stare at that thing. Your ugly mug ain’t gettin’ any prettier.”

Adrian turned away from the mirror to face the smartass who’d just walked into the room. “Fuck off, Dawson.”

Dressed in a matching tux—minus the white rose—Gabe shoved his hands into his pockets and smirked. “That any way to talk to your best man and the guy giving away the bride? Better face facts, Walker. I say the word, this wedding doesn’t happen.”

Like hell.

“You do anything to ruin this day for Jen, I’ll gut you like a fucking pig and bury you in the cemetery behind the church.”

The two men stood like that, facing off in the back room of the small country church Jenna had chosen until Adrian finally caved.

Unable to deny how ridiculously happy he was, he lost the staring contest and grinned. “Thanks again for doing this.” He held out his hand for Gabe.

The man who may as well have been Jenna’s blood brother gave him a good, strong shake. “Never thought I’d say this, but I wouldn’t miss this day for the world.”

It was amazing how a couple of years could completely transform a person’s life. In that time, the two men had gone from enemies, to guys who tolerated each other when they absolutely had to, to damn near best friends.

Of course, the women in their lives played a pretty big hand in that.

Unlike most, Elle had been rooting for him and Jenna almost from the start. But even though Gabe had been the one to drag his ass off that beach and back into Jenna’s arms, the overprotective bear had still made it clear that his respect where Jenna was concerned wouldn’t come easy.

The fact that Gabe was getting ready to stand up with him and walk Jenna down the aisle…Adrian was pretty damn sure he’d finally earned it.

“The girls ready?” he asked as a sudden trickle of nerves ran down his spine.

“Who do you think sent me in here?”

Pulse racing with anticipation, Adrian turned back to the mirror to check his hair and tie one last time. Seeing that everything was still in place as it should be, he filled his lungs to capacity before exhaling at a slow, steady pace.

“You’re looking a bit nervous. Sure you want to do this?”

He met the other man’s gaze in the mirror. “I’ve never wanted anything more.”

Gabe smiled and squeezed Adrian’s shoulder. “Good answer. ’Cause you know, if you Copyright 2016 - 2024