Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,101

first child.

Behind them in the next pew back were Zade and Gabby, and Kole and his wife, Sarah.

Every couple on that side of the church—including the ones from Delta Team—had gone through the same sort of hell he and Jenna had. And they’d survived.

More than that, they’d come out stronger than ever before, which only solidified what Adrian already knew.

No matter what life threw at them, he and Jenna were going to be fine. Better than fine. They were going to be deliriously happy.

And he couldn’t fucking wait.

Speaking of happy…

His soon-to-be wife had just started walking down the aisle. Her hand clung to Gabe’s arm as they slowly made their way toward him.

Adrian’s breath hitched when he got his first good look at her. She truly was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.

Carrying a bouquet of white roses, Jenna smiled at the guests as she and Gabe passed by. Her hair was pulled up in some sort of loose-fitting style that allowed several loose curls to fall naturally from the studded crown holding her veil.

The lace dress she’d chosen hugged her body snuggly, flaring out mid-way down her thighs. The delicate hem brushed the carpet as she walked.

Adrian swallowed his tongue as his eyes focused in on the neckline. It was sexy yet modest. A sleek line that ran across her chest and off her delicate shoulders. The small train in the back added just the right amount of traditional beauty.

Just when Adrian didn’t think they’d ever get there, Jenna and Gabe reached the end of the aisle. They stopped directly in front of where he stood.

The minister instructed the guests to be seated, and then went on to say some other things. But Adrian didn’t hear a single, solitary word.

He was too busy looking into a set of emerald eyes brimming with more love than he deserved. Selfish bastard that he was, Adrian was going to grab hold of that love with all he had and never ever let it go.

“Who gives this woman to this man?”

He blinked when he heard Gabe proudly say, “I do.”

With eyes that appeared to be suspiciously wet, Gabe gave Jenna a sweet kiss on her cheek before following tradition and placing her hand into Adrian’s.

Under his breath so the preacher wouldn’t hear, he warned, “Hurt her, and you’re a dead man.”

“I’d rather eat my own bullet,” Adrian whispered back as he took his bride’s hand and held it tight.

She smiled up at him and the rest of the world vanished.

Someday he’d try to remember the words they both said. The precious vows they’d repeated. The songs that were played.

But for now, in this moment, all Adrian cared about was that Jenna was here. She was safe and protected.

And she’d chosen him.

“By the power vested in me by the State of California, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may—"

Adrian kissed his bride. Behind him, he heard Gabe’s deep rumble of laughter just before the entire crowd joined in.

He didn’t care.

He simply held Jenna close and poured every ounce of love he had into their first kiss as husband and wife.

“God, I love you,” he whispered against her soft lips.

Her green eyes sparkled with joy. “I love you, too.”

Adrian kissed his wife again. He didn’t know what he’d done to deserve someone as perfect as this woman, but she was his. And he was hers.


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Dear Readers,

Thanks so much for reading Rescuing Jenna. This was the first story I’ve written as the ending to a series, and I have to admit, I’m sad to see Bravo Team go. That being said, I’m happy each couple finally found their HEA, and who knows…maybe Gabe and the guys will pop up again, sometime. (*wink wink*)

I hope you’ve enjoyed this team and their stories as much as I’ve enjoyed creating them. If this is the first Bravo Team book you’ve experienced, I hope you’ll go back and read the others.


Anna B.

Also by Anna Blakely

Bravo Team Series

Rescuing Gracelynn

Rescuing Katherine

Rescuing Gabriella

Rescuing Ellena

Rescuing Jenna


Book 1: Taking a Risk, Part One (Jake & Olivia’s HFN)

Book 2: Taking a Risk, Part Two (Jake & Olivia’s HEA)

Book 3: Beautiful Risk (Trevor & Lexi)

Book 4: Intentional Risk (Derek & Charlotte “Charlie”)

Book 5: Unpredictable Risk (Grant & Brynnon)

Book 6: Ultimate Risk (Coop & Mac)

Book 7: Targeted Risk (Mike & Jules)

Book 8: Savage Risk (Eric & Riley)

Book 9: Undeniable Risk (Ryker & Sophie)

Book 10: His Greatest Risk (Series Finale)

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