Reckless Invitation - Samantha Christy Page 0,101

that. You’re stronger than he is and a far better man.”

“Maybe you don’t know me at all.”

She grabs my hand. “You’re not being fair. I do know you, Liam. I love you. You may not want to hear it, but it’s true. I wouldn’t want you to do anything that could hurt you. But you need closure. Releasing the video might be how you get it.”

“It’s not. I know how I can get closure.”


“I’m not ready to talk about it yet.”

She eyes me suspiciously. “Something’s going on with you.”

“Something is going on.” I pull away from her. “My band is falling apart, my uncle is fucking my label rep, and my goddamn girlfriend won’t leave me the hell alone about the video.”

“You want your girlfriend to leave you alone? No problem.”

Chapter Forty-eight


He didn’t come after me yesterday like I thought he would. Bria called to ask if I knew why he was moping around the apartment. I found little solace in that. I’d rather he was with me, working through whatever it is together.

I debated not going to their show at the club tonight, but Bria talked me into it. “You can’t give up that easily on a man like Liam,” she said.

I’m not giving up on him. Giving him space maybe, but not giving up.

I had to go. I haven’t missed a performance since that first night in Florida. Sometimes I miss the flurry of activity we experienced when they were on tour. Part of me is excited at the possibility of doing it all again. Only this time, they will practically be a household name.

I want to see him, make sure he’s okay. Make sure we’re okay.

“You go get a table,” I tell Jenn. “I’ll be right back.”

“Tell the hottie I said hello!” she shouts as I walk away.

I find the door I think leads backstage. It’s locked. I knock a few times but realize it may be too loud out front for anyone to hear me. I’m about to give up when it opens. A big guy stares me down. “This area is closed to bar patrons.” He points to the sign on the door. “You can read, I assume.”

“I’m looking for Liam Campbell. He plays guitar for Reckless Alibi.”

“And you are?”

“Can you tell him Mrs. Campbell wants to speak with him?”

He gives me a dismissive glance and closes the door. I contemplate texting Liam, but before I get my phone out, he appears.

He’s surprised to see me. “You’re here.”

“I wanted to see you before your set.”

He lets me back and leans against the wall, thrusting his hands into the front pockets of his jeans. “I thought we were over.”

“Liam, I walked away because you said something hurtful, not because I wanted us to be over.”

He looks at me sideways.

“You really don’t know how to do this, do you?”

“Do what?”

“Have a relationship.”

“I told you, I’ve never had a girlfriend.”

“Having a fight doesn’t mean we can’t be together. Couples fight. Then they make up.”

“But you didn’t make up with Corey.”

“That wasn’t a fight. He cheated. Are you cheating on me?”


“Good, because cheating is the only thing you could do to make me leave for good.”

He steps toward me and traps me against the wall. “I really thought you were gone.”

“You could have called.”

“You could have called.”

“You’re right. I’m sorry.”

“I’m sorry, too.”

Someone clears their throat. “You’re on in ten,” Jeremy says.

Liam lifts his chin. “Give me a minute.”

I stand on my toes and give him a peck on the lips.

“So we’re good?” he asks, his hand lingering on the curve of my neck.


“Can I come over after? I think I like the idea of making up.”

I bite my lip and nod.

“Jesus, El. You can’t do that right before I have to play.”

I giggle.

“Where are you sitting?”

“I’m not sure. Jenn went to get a table.”

“I’ll find you. I’ll always find you.”

I give his hand a squeeze. “I’ll always find you too.”

He puts his lips to mine. “Promise?”

I smile. “I thought you didn’t like promises.”

“A guy can change his mind.”

“Then, yes, I promise. Now give us an amazing show.”

I start for the door, but he pulls me back and kisses me. He more than kisses me—he claims me, ruining me for anyone else.

When I find Jenn, she says with a smirk, “Quickie backstage?”


“What’s better than a quickie with the hottie?”

I take a selfie of Jenn and me and send it to Krista.

“She’s going to be so pissed she had to work tonight,” Jenn says.

“It’s not as if she’ll never see them. Copyright 2016 - 2024