Reckless Invitation - Samantha Christy Page 0,102

Don’t you ever get bored being dragged along to watch their shows?”

She looks at me like I’m crazy. “Bored? I’m waiting for Garrett Young to ask me out.”

“You don’t want to go out with him. He’s not boyfriend material.”

“Who said anything about a boyfriend? I want to know what those tattoos taste like.”


The waitress delivers our drinks, and I raise my glass. “To Reckless Alibi.”

A man bumps into our table, spilling Jenn’s drink. “Sorry, miss. I’ll replace it. What was it?”

Jenn and I sneak a peek at each other. No way is this old guy getting her a drink. He must be twice our age, and he looks creepy with his baseball cap pulled low.

She says, “I’m good.”

“I insist.”

“And I said I’m not thirsty.”

He gestures to the stage. “Have you seen this band before?”

“We have,” I say.

“Are they any good?”

“They’re the best.”

“You have an empty seat. Can I join you?”

I put my hand on it. “Sorry, it’s saved for our friend.”

“Maybe I’ll keep her seat warm until she gets here.”

He’s really creeping me out. What kind of old man comes to a club alone? The perverted kind, that’s who. I pull the seat close to me. “Not a good idea.”

He growls angrily. “Who made you queen of the barstools, sweetheart?”

Jenn stands in a display of aggression. “You should leave.”

“You heard the lady,” a deep voice says behind me. I’ve never been more relieved to see Thor.

The man sizes him up. Is he really thinking of taking Thor on?

“I was just looking for a place to sit.”

“Sit somewhere else,” Thor says, getting in the guy’s face. He points to the back of the club. “Plenty of seats back there.”

The man glares at us, pissed, and walks away. “Bitches,” he says before he’s out of earshot.

I release a deep breath. “Thanks, Tom.”

“Anytime, Ms. Campbell.”

Jenn is grinning ear to ear. “Oh, the perks of dating a rock star.” She nods at Tom as he leaves. “Is he single? The guy is huge. I can only imagine what he’s like down there.”

“That’s Thor.”

“That’s Thor? As in the one in Florida you told us about?” She fans herself with her hand. “Tell him he can use his hammer on me anytime.”

I’m laughing when the lights dim and the spotlights turn on. Reckless Alibi run out on the stage. Liam picks up his guitar and scans the room. He finds me. I put up my hand and give him the “rock on” sign. He smiles. Then I add my thumb to the sign, changing the entire meaning. He winks at me.

Jenn sighs. “Must be nice to have a rock star in love with you.”

“I’m not sure he is.”

“Did you see the way he looked at you? Everyone in the club knows he’s in love with you.”

Several people are looking at me—a few like they might want to see my head on a platter.

The band plays, and I get lost in the music. Doesn’t matter how many times I see or hear them, my heart still pounds when they’re onstage.

The audience sings along to the chorus when they play their most popular hard-rock song, “Sins on Sunday.” Men punch their fists in the air, chanting the words. Women dance between the tables. Fans crowd the stage, vying for the best position.

When Crew and Bria sing a love song, Liam watches me, his attention never straying. It amazes me how he can play without looking at his guitar. He truly is the most talented person I’ve ever met. And he’s mine. At least I think he is. He wanted a promise, and I’m willing to give him anything he wants.

During the break, I race to the bathroom. I’m standing in line when Creepy Guy walks by. He stops. “Do you know the guitar player?”

I don’t answer.

“He was looking at you. You his lady or something?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You’re lying,” he says. “Like you lied about saving the seat for a friend.”

“Can you move please?” a lady says to him. “You’re blocking the way.”

He continues down the hall. He made me feel dirty.

When I come out of the bathroom, I’m super aware of my surroundings, not wanting to get cornered by the man again. I rush back to the table and tell Jenn what happened.

She’s irritated. “After the show, we need to get Thor to walk us to a cab.”

I laugh. “You want to get his number, don’t you?”

She shrugs. “If it turns out I do, well so be it.” She grabs my arm and squeals. Copyright 2016 - 2024