Rage (Her Monsters Book One) - K.A Knight Page 0,85

through as well.” She smiles and sits down, but she winces and I freeze. She must see it because she rolls her eyes.

“It seems I heal fast, but bites from fallen, not so much.” She points at her nipples and I bark out a laugh, looking to her mate to see if he cares. He either ignores it or doesn’t care as he brings over two mugs before going back for another, setting it down in front of me. Pissing me off. Why does he have to be so fucking nice when I’ve been nothing but an asshole to him? It makes me look petty, unless that’s why he’s doing it.

“I’ll go get the paperwork, one sec.” She jumps out of her chair and races upstairs, and both Nos and I watch her go.

The nice act drops in a second as he turns to me with a deadly look in his eyes, and I’m reminded of exactly what kind of monster is sitting at my kitchen table.

“You ever talk to my mate, your mate, like that again, and I will rip your fucking tongue from your throat and feed it to the wolves,” he warns, his eyes flashing white as his body seems to grow. He leans closer and I arch my eyebrow. “I might not be able to kill you, she likes you too much, but I will make your life hell. You better decide real quick what way you want this to go, because I will take you breaking her heart as a form of hurt as well, are we clear?” he snarls.

“Crystal,” I sneer. “You’re welcome to her though, I don’t want or need a mate,” I repeat, the words sounding like a lie, even to myself.

He just snorts, his face and eyes returning to normal. “Whatever you say Fallen, lie to yourself if you have to. It won’t make it any easier.”

I go to ask what that means when she bounds back into the room with a happy smile on her face as she lays the paperwork between her and me on the table.

“So, what’s your plan?” I find myself asking.

She leans back, bringing her knees up and resting her head on them as she looks at the table. “Hmm, well, I was going after my husband—” Nos growls and she rolls her eyes. “Ex-husband, but I’ve already ruined his love life and sort of his money line now. I’m thinking I might expose him to Victor, and in return for proof of their deceit, ask for me to be able to kill him. Payback and all that. But first, I think we need to figure out who is hunting and buying supes. Especially women.”

I raise my eyebrows at the ‘we’ and the well-thought-out plan. It’s obvious she’s smart and has been thinking through every step.

“Well, I have paper trails between Marco, Tim, and Victor’s money here. We could take that to him.” Fuck, why did I say we? She obviously notices the slip because she smiles.

“We, huh?” She grins as Nos laughs.

Fucking skinwalkers.

He glares before looking back at his laptop. “As for the others, there isn’t much here. Our best bet is to track down other members who were working with Marco and Tim, and getting information from them. If we could track or trace the women as well, that would be good,” he murmurs as if talking to himself.

“Sounds great, but breakfast first,” I add, my stomach rumbling on cue.

“Fuck’s sake,” Griffin mutters, but he gets up, goes to the fridge, and starts rummaging around. Letting him have his huff, I start digging through the paperwork and passing some to Nos, planning to look for any indication of who’s buying these women or who we could hunt next.

He bangs the pots and pans around, making my lips twitch as I scour the pages. About twenty minutes later, omelettes get pushed onto the table as he goes back to his seat, ignoring us both.

I tuck into the omelette, groaning at the peppers and cheese. He is such a good cook. When I look up they’re both watching me.

“Pervs,” I tease as I wipe my plate clean.

Pushing it away, I go back to my paper.

“I think I have something.” Griffin breaks the silence and we both scoot closer as I try to look at his screen.

“It seems Marco trusted one man to run the sales of the freaks. His name is Ray Leroy. I can get his address, one second,” he murmurs, starting to type on

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