Rage (Her Monsters Book One) - K.A Knight Page 0,86

his computer, and when I look over his shoulders I can’t even following what he’s doing. I glance at Nos and he shrugs.

“Got it, okay, so we go to him. Squeeze him for information on who’s selling the supes. Then you can take your shit to Victor,” he grumbles, leaning back and finally looking at me.

“Okay. I’m going to shower and then we can get going.” I down the last, cold dregs of my coffee before pushing away from the table and sauntering back upstairs, feeling both of their eyes on me the whole way.

Grinning, I head to the spare bathroom and flick on the shower. Steam soon fills the room and I jump in, sighing in contentment as it washes away the gross feeling on my skin and relaxes my muscles.

I lean against the wall and let the water run down me. It’s been a busy week. Between dying and coming back, not to mentioning finding two mates, getting kidnapped and escaping, and being brought into a plot to sell supernaturals, oh and dreaming of a dragon who is also apparently my mate, I’m feeling pretty wrecked, so I just take the moment to relax and breathe.

Opening my eyes, I scrub my body and hair, before flicking off the shower and getting out. I realise my problem straight away. There are no towels, and unless I want to put back on the t-shirt I grabbed this morning, I’m going to have to go out naked.

Fuck it.

Opening the door, I slip into the hallway and run into a hard body. I bounce off and fall into the wall. Growling, I glare at a smirking Griffin.

“Were you just waiting outside the bathroom? Because that’s just creepy, dude,” I comment, crossing my arms under my breasts. If he thinks he can make me uncomfortable just because I’m naked then he has another thing coming.

Arching his eyebrow, he mirrors my stance and leans back against the other wall, watching me. His eyes drop to my body like he can’t help himself, and everywhere they look I feel a red-hot burning, like he’s physically touching me. Shivering in desire, I clench my thighs together, which only makes his eyes pull back to mine, and they’re filled with knowing and amusement. Ass.

I tilt my head back and return his stare. From the way his eyes tighten and he tries to push himself back, I can tell he isn’t used to it and doesn’t like it. He’s so cocky and sure of himself all the time, but it’s obvious that he isn’t used to anyone looking past his attitude and anger. He expects people to be scared of him or use him. I see it all, and from the tension in his body, he knows it.

Pushing from the wall, I saunter towards him until my body is plastered against his and I meet his mismatched eyes. “You know, your bullshit might fool some, but it doesn’t fool me.” Smirking at him, I turn and leave him to it.

I couldn’t have two more opposite mates, and I’m finding I love the challenge. I love Nos’ sweetness and brutality, and I even like Griffin’s take no shit attitude and hardness.

Getting dressed in some skintight leather pants, just to piss Griffin off seeing as though he appears to be obsessed with them, I add a filmy white shirt, matching leather jacket, and some biker boots. I brush my hair and add some red lipstick—thankfully, I had fun on my shopping trip and Nos grabbed all my bags before he left.

Looking in the mirror, I can admit I look hot. Death was good for me. I don’t hunch or flinch anymore, and my eyes don’t hold a sadness or the expectation of when the other shoe is going to drop again.

No, my shoulders are back and I have a new sensuality and power. It shows in the way I hold myself and the look in my eyes. I might not be good, I might not be pure, but I sure as shit am no victim and that’s good enough for me.

Grinning, I head downstairs to see that Griffin, now loaded up in weapons and looking like a walking armoury, is glaring at Nos as he sits on the sofa watching the pacing man. When I come downstairs, however, he stops pacing and both him and Nos look over at me. Their eyes flash as they take in my outfit.

Winking, I grab the front door. “Ready?” I open it and they

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