Rage (Her Monsters Book One) - K.A Knight Page 0,84

graze my sore nipples. That rat bastard, he’s left a red mark of his teeth around both, nearly drawing blood.

I flick off the overhead light with a sigh and head onto the landing. Hesitating, I sigh again. I might not like him very much right now, but he’s hurting, that much is clear.

“Goodnight, Griffin,” I say, loud enough for him to hear. He doesn’t respond, not that I expected him to.

I head back to the guest bedroom and crawl into bed and Nos’ waiting arms, and close my eyes. The sore twinge between my legs makes me smile, even as I fall asleep.

I wake up warm and content, before turning over with a groan and burying my face in something hard. Cracking open one eye, I spot an expanse of bare skin and follow it up to see Nos already awake and staring at me, with his arm under my head and his free hand stroking the skin of my thigh and side.

“Good morning, Little Monster,” he rumbles.

“Ugh, please tell me you aren’t a morning person,” I mumble, burying my head back in his chest as he shakes with silent laughter.

“More like a mid-morning person, though, you did have a late night,” he comments, and I open my eyes again with a suffering sigh and lean back, trying to gauge his mood.

“You knew about that?” I ask, confused.

He grins at me and the worried ball in my stomach disappears. “Little Monster, I have more developed senses than you could ever realise. He is your mate, do not feel guilty. He clearly needed you, but if he ever insults you again, I will rip him limb from limb,” he growls, and his eyes flash white, making my pussy pulse.

Goddamn, I am so fucked up.

“Noted. We should probably get up,” I suggest and he shakes his head.

“Not yet. First, let me just hold my mate for a while, and good morning.” He leans down and sweeps a soft kiss along my lips, making me smile.

“Hmm, you might be able to make me a morning person after all,” I joke, making him laugh again.

I had woken up early and decided to get some work in while the house was quiet. Setting up on the kitchen table with a mug of coffee and my laptop, I plug in the USB I had filled with information from the warehouse when Dawn wasn’t looking. Thinking of her, I look up at the ceiling before shaking my head and logging into my laptop.

I can’t say I’m sorry about what happened last night, even if I should be. I am sorry about how it happened though. I had snapped and gone into one of what the council calls ‘madness spirals,’ and she had tried to pull me out. Some of the things I had said to her had been disgusting and I’m so ashamed, she deserves better than a mate like me.

Ignoring my self-hate, I open the USB and start clicking through files. Most of it has to do with transactions, videos of girls, and buyer lists. All handy to track down the human monsters, but I’m looking for who is buying the others. Anything, something.

I spend hours trawling through footage, which makes me sick to my stomach, and paperwork, before I hear movement upstairs followed by a giggle.

My hand tightens on the mug in my hand and I growl at myself when I crush it, the pieces cutting into my hand. Standing with a sigh, I throw it in the bin and wash out the cuts before heading back to my laptop to keep searching.

When I hear footsteps on the stairs, I stare at the screen intently, not wanting to see the damnation on either of their faces in the morning light.

“Morning,” Nos greets me, way too chipper for the morning as he heads over to the kettle and just makes himself at fucking home.

I nod and go back to the screen, but freeze when Dawn comes to stand over my shoulder. Her smell hits me, all sin and sex as she moves closer, not even flinching when she lays a hand on my shoulder to look closer.

“What are you doing?” she asks and I frown, turning back to the screen.

“Looking at some information I collected from the warehouse,” I mutter and she moves away, leaving a warm imprint in my shoulder that I want to reach up and clasp.

“Let me know if you find anything useful. I have a bunch of paperwork upstairs we could go

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