Rage (Her Monsters Book One) - K.A Knight Page 0,54

you do it. Don’t worry though, I’ll protect your pretty ass if it gets too close,” he replies. Wow, that fills me with confidence...hey, does that mean he’s been staring at my ass? What a creep. Total creep, not hot at all.

I poke my head through and eye the growling she-wolf, who’s backed against the wall, her paws parted and fur on edge. She’s beautiful. All white fur apart from a heart-shaped patch just above her nose on her muzzle.

“Hey there, beautiful. I’m Dawn. I’m a friend. I’m here to help,” I coo, stepping slowly through the door. When she growls again, flashing sharp canines, I stop and show her the syringe. She snaps before darting back to the wall again.

“Shh, I’m not here to hurt you. This will help you change back.” I wait for her to stop growling before I step closer again. You are probably supposed to drop your eyes, but I’m too alpha now for that and I want her to see the sincerity in mine.

When she growls again, I stop in the middle of the room. Okay this isn’t working, now that I’ve got closer she’s snapping her jaws at me. Blowing out an exasperated breath, I make a reckless decision—let’s just hope Griffin isn’t lying about protecting my ass.

“Stop!” I yell, narrowing my eyes at her and holding our gaze. Her growling stops and turns into a whimper as her eyes drop to the floor and she drops to her belly, her rump in the air with her tail downcast.

“Come here,” I order, and when she tries to fight back I add a little more oomph to my order. “Now.” She cowers again, whimpering in the back of her throat as she crawls on her belly until she lays at my feet. “Good girl,” I coo and she rolls onto her back, exposing her belly.

Crouching down, I pat it, stroking her as she vibrates. Distracting her, I speak to her in hushed tones as I line the injection up at her flank. This is going to have to be fast. Wincing, I push it through her fur hard and push it in quickly before jumping back with my arms in the air.

She jumps to her feet, growling and snapping before spinning and licking at the injection point. “Shh, you’re okay,” I soothe and she stumbles to the side, the drugs obviously taking effect.

She staggers again before her legs give out, a whine escaping as her head drops to the floor, and her eyes slide shut even as she seems to fight it. Her body folds in on itself. I can hear bones snapping and reforming as the fur retreats and skin flows over her body. It’s not smooth, in fact, it looks downright painful and only thirty seconds later, a naked woman is curled up where the wolf was. Blood and white liquid cover her skin as she lifts her head.

Short, spiky, grey hair covers her head, and her eyes are the same deep grey with flecks of orange inside. She eyes me tiredly, not even trying to move. “Thank you.” Her voice cracks, obviously from disuse, and I back away.

“You’re welcome, I’m going to set everyone else free. When you’re ready, you can leave,” I say softly and leave the cell.

Griffin is waiting outside and he claps when I emerge. He has a proud look on his face before he masks it into cool indifference again. “Now what?” he asks, leaning there casually. I hadn’t even noticed the siren had cut off, leaving just the flashing lights, until I noticed he wasn’t shouting anymore.

“We get everyone out, then I go to that club and hunt down that slimy bastard who drugged my wine. Who would ruin good wine like that?” I shiver in disgust and his eyebrow quirks up.

“No, I will go to the club and hunt him down. You will go home,” he grits out, his eyes narrowing on me as his nostrils flare.

Snorting a laugh, I tap his chest as I head back down to BB and the doctor. “Sure thing, Griffin Sweetheart.”

“I mean it, vasculo, you will go back to that swanky hotel,” he growls behind me and I freeze. Turning slowly, I eye him in a new light.

Who the hell is this man? Has he been stalking me?

He must realise his mistake or see the accusation in my eyes because he rolls his. “Don’t flatter yourself, I saw you coming out of one of the sheep’s apartments and figured

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