Rage (Her Monsters Book One) - K.A Knight Page 0,55

I would follow you in case you turned out to be important.” He starts to walk past but stops at my side and leans in and whispers, “You weren’t.”

He walks away then and I spin, fury rolling through my entire body. Who is this man to decide my worth? He thinks he can just dismiss me and leave like that? No, Marco is my next victim whether this pig-headed man ‘allows’ it or not.

Ignoring him—it’s either that or kill him—I stride past him disregarding his mocking laughter that follows me, and walk back into the room to see the doctor still strapped in but back to his normal colour. BB nods at me from her perch.

“Okay, let’s go. The others we’ll let out on the sweep back through, but they will realise something is wrong soon.”

She nods and leaves the room and I turn to follow her, but I stop when the doctor cries out. “Wait, please! What about me?”

Grinning over my shoulder at him, I reply, “Just because I stopped you from bleeding to death doesn’t mean I won’t kill you. Some people don’t deserve to live, an eye for an eye, isn’t that the old saying?” I muse, before stepping back as he starts to struggle.

I laugh and saunter down the corridor, releasing the rest of the girls. They fly from their cells with a mixture of anger, hurt, and wariness. “Ladies, you are free to go, but if you want revenge like I imagine, then there happens to be a certain someone tied up down that corridor behind you.” Smiling, I leave them to their decision. I won’t kill him outright, but he sentenced himself to his own demise when he hurt those women.

As I climb the stairs with BB and Griffin, the sound of his screams reach me and I can’t help the grin that breaks out across my face—that would have been my choice too.

Once we are back upstairs, I check the cell room but Griffin informs me in a snotty tone that he let them out so they could leave. I nod and go back to ignoring him as BB and I leave the warehouse. The hallways on the way to the exit are covered in blood and bodies, and it only makes me look at Griffin in a new light.

The man definitely isn’t human, so what is he?

The front door to the warehouse stands open and off its hinges, and I throw Griffin another look but he ignores it, stalking over to a computer system and starting to type. I roll my eyes and make my way outside, sucking in the clean, city air as opposed to the dirty, blood-filled atmosphere left in the warehouse behind us.

“Thank you,” BB says softly, her voice carrying on the night’s air. I nod and turn to her to see her wrapping her arms around herself.

We must be in the industrial district, since only other warehouses and empty factories stretch as far as the eye can see. The one we are in is surrounded by a chain-link face and the car park is nearly completely empty. A perfect place to hide a slave trade.

“Where will you go?” I inquire, needing to know she will be okay. I won’t ever be some fucking hero or any of that bullshit, but that woman stuck her own neck out to help me.

“Home. They won’t scare me away, but I will take precautions.” She looks around, a new light in her face, one I don’t doubt speaks of change—going through something like that changes a person. You see the depths of depravity and greed of the human soul and you don’t come out untainted.

“Don’t you want to leave?” I question, genuinely curious.

“No.” She smiles slightly before looking at the city around us. “This is my home. It might be corrupt, we might have more ghettos than we have posh apartment buildings, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I was born here, I grew up here. They can’t take that away from me.”

“Touching, truly it is, but we need to get going,” Griffin grumbles, breaking the moment.

Throwing him a glare, I look back at BB with a sad smile. “Good luck.”

“Who needs luck when I have my own guardian angel?” she teases, as she turns and starts walking away.

Griffin snorts and I turn to him, already glaring. “Shouldn’t you help her get home?” I growl.

“She’s not my concern. I will drop you off and then go to the club.” He

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